Friday 25 December 2015

A face, a collage and more....

Hi Everybody!
 Hope you are all enjoying the

For Art Journal Journey, collage, and 99 faces I have a mixed media face, and a collage which I made out of it. The lady looks rather cross, perhaps she doesn't like the colours I used. I re-used some cardstock, drawing over the background with black ink, and painted her with water colours, and added lots of random stamping (LaBlanche)

For the collage I made a hybrid version, digitally removing the head from the original background and placing it on a collaged and gessoed background. I altered the colours digitally to match, and then various objects, a London skyline and a text.

The moon was beautiful the past 2 days, here it is rising on Wednesday

The sunrise on Christmas Eve was also spectacular:

As was the moon in the evening:

On my walk though town I was pleased to see that even my feathered friends are joining in with the celebrations:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Holiday Greetings

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you all a very merry Christmas, happy holidays, happy everything!! Enjoy the time with your families and friends.

For Art Journal Journey I have a little Christmas collage:

I went into the Basilica and took photos of the manger as it is now, the baby is not yet in the crib, but everything and everybody are ready and waiting....

The shops and houses here are mostly decorated very simply:

Have a wonderful time, take care, and see you again on Saturday - I am taking a day off on Friday!
Thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 22 December 2015

This, that and the other on Wednesday.

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are now more or less ready with all your
holiday preparations, time is running out!

For Art Journal Journey, collage,  I have 2 hybrid collages. In the first one I used part of Blake's painting 'Newton'. I added parts of my photos - the column and the jay, some digital elements from Serif and Leonardo's Vitruvian man. The quote is also from William Blake.

The second collage is also meant for 99 faces.  The background is a photo taken on an outing, and the tower is part of a castle I visited the same day. That's me looking out of the window - with a bit of artistic license, and the eyes are from one of my face paintings.

And before I forget again, this is my tag from Tag Tuesday this week, where the theme is 'peace on earth', which would really be a great thing.

Today was a very dull day, so the lights remained on all day here:

Yesterday I visited Krefeld, a town on the other  side of the river, 
and we walked round and looked at the Christmas decorations  there.
The tree here is in the Main Station:

The other photos were taken in a shopping centre:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!