Thursday 19 February 2015

Horus and birds in the mist

Hi Everybody!

We had another cold and very misty day again, but I still enjoyed
my walks, especially as I saw spring flowers growing - snowdrops, daffodils,
and even a yellow crocus. It makes it easier to believe that spring will be here sooner or later!

For Art Journal Journey I am sharing another Egyptian page showing the god Horus, the son of Osiris and Ra. He is shown as a falcon or a falcon headed man, and he was the god of light and the protector of the children. I used a brushwipe page, (A3) which I sprinkled with Brushos and sprayed with water. I drew lots of hieroglyphics  down the sides of the page. Horus was drawn onto a separate sheet, painted with water colours and gel-pens, and highlighted with gold and white. I used metallic pens for the breast plate, and added mica flakes to the sun-crown and breast-plate. He is holding the Ankh, the breath of life in his talons.

Here are some of the visitors who came out of the mist:

I met the raven down at the shore

The heron was busy fishing again

This was the view from my window this morning

The trees disappeared into the mist

 I enjoyed walking along the shore, crunching through the shingle

And the cormorant was keeping watch on his pole again.

The feather was one of the objects I spotted along the shore. It was very large, so I'm not sure which bird it came from:

Signs of spring? I hope so

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Birds, circles and humans

Hi Everybody!

Hope all of you who are snowed in in the States and Canada are
keeping warm and safe! You have really had more than
your share this time round!

For Art Journal Journey I have another piece for Birds, beasts and humans. I used a background I made recently with water colours, stenciling and distress inks. I drew the heads with my home-made stencils, and filled them using stencils from stencilry org and Dina Wakley. Then I drew lots and lots of circles in white. The quote is part of a quote from Nicholas Black Elk, a holy man of the Sioux: 
Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power whirls. Birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. Our tepees were round like the nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the nation's hoop.

I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, circles.

The photos are from yesterday; today we were blanketed with damp, grey mist all day!

The gulls enjoyed the weather, too, 
and I enjoyed watching them, as always.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 17 February 2015

This, that and the other

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are having a good day!

Today is Tuesday, which means a new challenge at Tag Tuesday and at Try it on Tuesday.
 At Tag Tuesday out theme is Text. I made two word-bird tags, using scraps of DP with text to cut the birds, and wrote some sayings around the edge of the first one.
My visitors this afternoon liked the birds, and they have already flown the nest and found new homes.

At Try it on Tuesday our theme for the next two weeks is 'Tic tac toe'.
You can choose any line, horizontal, diagonal or vertical, from the selection and use the elements in your project.
I chose punches, bling and cardboard, although my card would also fit to the line beads, punches and flowers.

I made a 6x6" card with a Valentine theme. The centre part has been made from a tag cut from partly peeled cardboard. The images are from my stash. The patterns down both sides have been punched with a large border punch. I added some beads and a bling heart. The sentiment has been sprayed with paper softener (LaBlanche)  and formed; once it dries, the paper stays in form.
You have two weeks to enter the challenge, and all projects are welcome, so hope to see lots of you joining in!

Today I have some different 'wildlife' photos to show instead of the usual birds and ducks; the ladies in their carnival costumes. The first one shows the whole group. Each one represents a different decade. I made the Charleston dress from Karina and Gabi's wild pink punk outfit, complete with rat. I 'wiped' the faces of the other ladies as I didn't get a chance to ask them if they wanted to be posted. I don't think they would mind, but better safe than sorry! Don't they all look gorgeous?

I made a matching bag and rat for Gabi:

Lovely Luzi wanted to be like Disney's Snow Queen, with a long dress, hooded cape, long gloves, and a bustle at the back of the dress.

Here it was not quite finished, but coming along nicely:

Last changes to the sleeves and belt.
(The colours look a bit darker here because of the electric light)

It was fun making the costumes and doing something different instead of just patching my jeans or sewing cardboard!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot or coming by!

Monday 16 February 2015

Birds and Humans

Hi Everybody!

Here in Rhineland 'Rosenmontag'  (Rose Monday) will be celebrated with parades and festivities in many towns, the biggest parades here being in Düsseldorf and Cologne. A lot of people will be waking up with big headaches and hangovers tomorrow!
I will go for my usual walk, and then perhaps watch the big procession in Düsseldorf on the TV, but not more! Although I sewed costumes for three friends this year, I didn't make one for myself!

For Art Journal Journey, Birds, beasts and humans, I made another Egyptian page. I find the old Egyptian history and mythology very interesting, and  their strange beings fascinating. Today's journal page shows Thoth, the god of knowledge, who appears sometimes in the form of a man with an Ibis head, and sometimes as the crowned Ibis. The quote is taken from ancient Egyptian writings. The background was painted with acrylics, and the figures were coloured with water colours and gel-pens, fussy cut, and glued to the background. I drew the hieroglyphics for 'Thoth'.

This is a canvas made some time back, showing him as the Ibis.

Today started off cool and frosty, with a beautiful sky and a marvelous sunrise:

I know some of you in the States and Canada are struggling with heavy snow storms, so I wish you sun in your hearts, and stay safe.
Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.