Wednesday 4 April 2012

Tag Tuesday Tags for Wednesday

Hi everybody, here are my belated tags for Tag Tuesday. The backgrounds have been water-coloured, the images are from Heartfelt Creations, and the egg-stamp and embellishments from my stash.

It's freezing cold here, snow and ice is forecasted for the Easter Weekend, with a greater probability of a white Easter than we had for a White Christmas - crazy weather!

Take care, keep warm or cool as the case may be, and thanks for visiting!

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Tag Tuesday

Hi everybody! Today is tag Tuesday again, but my tag is not yet finished. Actually, I haven't started, but hope to have it done for tomorrow. I tried to rest yesterday. That means, I did do some clearing up, but no furniture moving or heavy work, just little things, like clearing out my wardrobe. Now I have 2 big bags to take to the recycling yard....
I had a nice surprise yesterday, a beautiful card from Yvonne

Thank you so much for sending such a beautiful card, and for the lovely vintage images and sentiments which came with it!

And I made an easel-card for a friend whose birthday is this week. The background has been painted with layers of acrylic paint. The picture is a bit fuzzy, but by the time I'd noticed it, it was too dark to take a new one....

Have a good day you all, take care and thanks for visiting!

Sunday 1 April 2012

A fishy story....

Good morning you all! I think most of you have already heard of my friend Narda, who always sends me good jokes, which I have often shared here. She has been on holiday in Florida for some weeks, and today I wanted to share some photos she sent me. And although it is April 1st, this is a true story.
The first one shows Narda being *surprised* by a Pelican....

The other three show her fishing, and holding a fish she pulled out. Here's what she wrote about it;

Look what I caught! A 75 lb Goliath Grouper. Bout kicked my butt but I got him in all by my self!
What a battle! Talk about an adrenalin rush!!!!!!! It's considered one of the best fish to eat but I had to throw it back. It's illegal to keep Giant Grouper because they are considered endangered. Everyone says they should be removed from the list because they have recovered and are eating everything else on the reefs. Even if it had been a Red, Gray or Gag Grouper we would have had to throw it back, the season for Grouper other than Goliath doesn't come in until Apr 1st. Last year we came in Jan & Feb and it came in March 1st. So we booked Feb & March this year and the stupid people changed it to Apr. Can't win for losing!!! Sure is a fishing trip I will remember!!!!

Now, Narda is a small lady, and I do not know how she managed to pull that monster fish out of the water - great work! And before I close, another joke from her:

Two young businessmen in Florida were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new store in the shopping mall. As yet, the store wasn'tready, with only a few shelves and display racks set up.
One said to the other, "I'll bet that any minute now some old person is
going to walk by, put his face to the window, and ask what we're selling."
Sure enough, just a moment later, a curious senior gentleman walked up to
the window, looked around intensely and rapped on the glass. Then in a
loud voice asked, "What are you sellin' here?"
One of the men replied sarcastically, "We're selling ass-holes."
Without skipping a beat, the old timer said, "You must be doing well. Only
two left."
Seniors -- don't mess with them. They didn't get old by being stupid.

Have a great Sunday you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Tuesday Tag on Wednesday

Hi everybody, just a quickie today as I am off out for a bit.
I made my tag for Tag Tuesday; it's only one day late this time. The theme is Easter eggs - egg shaped tags or...or.... I cut an oval tag with a Sizzix die, added a Beatrix Potter image of Benjamin Bunny, which I framed with small, blue beads, and added a vintage scrap of a flower-filled boat. I used a few prima flowers in blue and white with beaded centres, and a matching ribbon.

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping in!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

More Texture

Hi everybody, hope you are all well and fit. I am sitting here watching the sun rise again; it looks different again today, as it was cold and misty in the night, and it's a great sight to see the sun rising through the mist.
Yesterday I made another trip to the thrift shop, bringing more bits and bobs. I have taken so much there already, and I am wondering why my cupboards are still so full. But at least my book shelves are looking cleaner and less chaotic.

I made the canvas on Sunday. It is 8x8 inches. Once again, I have used several layers of colour, glue and heating to create texture, and then added beads, stars and stickles to heighten the effect. It has a nice glitter and shine, too, which doesn't really show in the pictures.

I have just realised that it is Tuesday today, so will get going on my tag for Tag Tuesday later! Yesterday I was tired from clearing out, so I treated myself to an evening of *Cranford* on DVD, which is always good to watch.

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Monday 26 March 2012

Monday again!

Good morning you all! Here the day has dawned bright and sunny. I was up in time to see the sun rise, which is something which never fails to delight me. And the sky was a wonderful, clear blue, crisscrossed with white trails left by planes - that's probably what woke me up!

But it's worth being woken early when there is such loveliness to see!

Over at *The Cheerful Stamp pad* the challenge this week is *anything goes*.
For my DT piece I have made a tag cut from some Anna Griffin paper. I have over-stamped it with some flourishes in forest moss, and then placed the image - printed onto acrylic - behind the TH die-cut. I have added some bling to the tree, and two vintage scraps; the children at the front, and the owl on the lady's shoulder.

Okay, all for today, I need to get on with my clearing out of cupboards action, as I took a break over the weekend. Have a great day you all, take care and thanks for dropping by!

Sunday 25 March 2012

Some vintage images and a small,new canvas

Good morning you all; here's wishing you a great Sunday!
When I went shopping yesterday morning, the bunches of tulips had been reduced to half-price, so I got 2 bunches, in yellow and orange, and for 2€ I have a giant vase full; it looks so sunny and spring like! And the bananas, pineapples and mangoes were also on half price, so I'm having a fruity weekend!

I have been clearing out and tidying a lot the past couple of weeks, and (re)discovered an interesting book at the back of one of the book cases. It's a calendar-almanac from 1897, printed in Vienna. At the front and the back are loads of old adverts, some with a very steampunky flair, a few of which I have photographed for this post. You are very welcome to download and use them for your art work if you want. Apart from that, there are lists with lots of important information, economic and political advice and comments, and a writing page for each month. Some of the pages have been written on, or filled with figures and sums. There is also an address list of all the important people living in Vienna at that time. The last picture shows a part of it, and just above the middle of the column is the address of Dr Sigmund Freud, and the opening times of his office. It was a strange feeling to see the name of someone known to the whole world for his work on psycho-analysis in the list of doctors!

I had a fun time leafing through it, and am trying to make up my mind if I keep it or sell it....

And I made a small canvas (10x10cms). It was first coated with some roughed up structure paste, and then I applied the colours - blue, yellow, black, gold and green in layers, alternating with liquid glue. When it was heated with the heat gun it bubbled and cracked, and showed the different layers. Then I coated it all with a thick layer of glue again - much cheaper than glosser accents! - and added small glass beads, gem-stones, an acrylic flower, a vintage frog scrap and a few other flying-around-bits and bobs. In real life the colours are a bit nicer, they have a lovely metallic sheen which does not show up well. It was fun to make something different, and I am linking to the Craft Room Challenge, where the ladies want to see some bling.

That's all for today. Have a great day, have fun and thanks for visiting!