Sunday 10 July 2011

Sketches and MORE goodies!

Good morning you all! Today is Sunday, the sun is shining, and that means sketch time over at Sophia's *Blue Chair Diary*

I made some sketches this week from some photos. Well, I tried. I have a lovely photo of my great Aunt taken when she was 18. I made 2 sketches of it, but tried in the first one to show her at the time when I best remember her, when she was between 60 and 70, but I drew here in the same dress she was wearing with 18. The second one is (or should have been!) as she was at the time.

The first sketch has been made with sepia drawing chalks, the second one with water-colour pencils and I have realised that I am totally out of practice with sketching, haven't done enough lately!

And then I tried a sketch from one of my childhood photos. I used pencil and water colour pencils. I think it's not bad, but on the other hand it's not good, so I think I have to start doing an hour's sketching each day to get back into practice.

And yesterday I received a parcel from Canada, sent to me by Leslie of *Harmony Road Studio*, way back in May when she was giving away a blog candy. And now, after 2 months, it arrived at last, brought today by a friendly postie (the other one has probably got his day off!) Thank you Lesley, for all of my lovely goodies! What a feast for the eyes to see so many good things, including the smallest album I have ever seen, stamps, lace and borders,flourishes an altered domino, a wonderful pocket album, and lots of goodies to make myself, including a grunge paper album, key rings and...and.... Thank you soooooooooooo much. With all the goodies I have received in the last 2 days, I should have enough to do in the next few days....

So, that was it for today. Have a good Sunday, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Saturday 9 July 2011

Saturday and weekend again!

Good morning you all, or good day or good whatever depending on when you read this. It's dark an wet and dismal this morning, so that would be a good excuse to stay home and paint!
Today I want to share some things with you that I got from 2 Ladies in the USA, from Carolyn and from Karen. Carolyn and I decided on a swap just so, and Karen was my swap partner by Tee's

First of all the lovely goodies from Carolyn, beautiful handmade cards, a tag, and then loads of things to play with - grunge board and paper, mini tags for tags on tags, die cuts, beautiful butterflies, a selection of Tim Holtz clips and memory glasses, tissue tape, glass dewdrops. And not enough, a beautiful Paris folder and a memory capsule with lovely pics in it. And a giant piece of wide, beautiful lace. It's kike Xmas here today! Sorry the photos are bad, it's so dismal outside.

And this is the spoon , fairy card and fairies from Karen:

And as I have been painting all day, didn't get round to much crafting, just got a couple of bookmarks made for friends off to Paris for their holidays, with my Paris guide book, hence the book-marks.

And a blue tag:

And while I had all my blue things round me, a blue card:

So, that was it for today- Havea great day, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Friday 8 July 2011

It's Paint Party Friday again!

Good morning you all, it's Friday again, and that means it's Paint Party Friday , hosted by Eva and Kristin.
I decided I had to do something different this week, although I still seem to be under the influence of the sixties and seventies. The first picture has a typical sixties background, painted in shades of pink, blue and lilac. Then I sprayed the background with home made perfect pearls mist before drawing the dancing queens with help of a template - an enlarged and cut out clip-art - and painting them black. I had to give three coats of black paint, as the gold perfect pearls showed through too much. Then I drew the doodles with black ink, and crowned the queens to finish it off.

The second one has been sprayed again, but this time onto a white background, using different shades of perfect pearls mist. This time I just added one *Queen*, I think she is not only the dancing queen but also the queen of hearts. I have had these golden rub-ons in seventies style for ages, and didn't really know what to do with them - till today. By using other colours and ornaments this drawing is more in the style of the seventies - I'm making progress, wonder when I'll arrive in 2011? Oh, and I forgot to say - the text written round my dancing queen is Abba's song-text, you may have to turn your computer round a bit if you want to read it!

And I made a canvas for the *Sunday Stampers* challenge. Hels wants to see Writing this week, so I gave my canvas a literary touch and used quotes from Pride and Prejudice. I first applied some ancient book pages, scraps of pink silk, and some hand made paper with gesso to the canvas. Then I stamped some images and words from *Darkroom Door* onto tissue and applied them with mod-podge. When that was dry, I started on the next layer. I printed the title page, some quotes, a little silhouette and a picture of Jane Austen as a young woman onto acetate, placing them over the stamped images. I like to put in lots of layers, even if some are out of sight at the end, then they should be like life is, with many layers. I added a large flower, made from the same book pages as the background, die cut, and dipped into molten Utee using the melting pot. The paper became completely transparent, which was an effect I had not expected! Anyway, as you may have gathered, I enjoyed making it and am rambling on too much today, so here are
the pics!

And to end, another one of Narda's jokes. Enjoy!

It was entertainment night at the senior center and the "Amazing Claude" was topping the bill. People came from miles around to see the famed hypnotist do his stuff. As Claude went to the front of the meeting room, he announced, "unlike most hypnotists who invite two or three people up here to be put into a trance, I intend to hypnotize each and every member of the audience."

The excitement was almost electric as Claude withdrew a beautiful antique pocket watch from his coat. "I want you each to keep your eye on this antique watch. It's a very special watch/ It's been in my family for six generations. He began to swing the watch gently back and forth while quietly chanting. "Watch the watch, watch the watch, watch the watch..." The crowd became mesmerized as the watch swayed back and forth, light gleaming off its polished surface. Hundreds of pairs of eyes followed the swaying watch, until suddenly------ it slipped from the hypnotist's fingers and fell to the floor, breaking into a hundred pieces. "Sh*t!" said the hypnotist.

It took three weeks to clean up the senior center.

So, here's wishing you all a good day, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Gingersnap Book-marks, Tags and a Match-box

Good morning you all, happy Wednesday Thursday!! Not quite awake, finally fell asleep just before the parcel postman rang my bell like a maniac to leave another parcel for a neighbour....I don't usually mind, but he is such a miserable man; tramps up the stairs, sighing and swearing, and says *Parcel for upstairs*. No good morning, or could you please? So today I said, *That's nice*. He said again, *parcel for upstairs*, so I repeated *that's nice*, and started to shut the door. Then he asked if I would be sooooo kind to take it in for my neighbours. OK, no problem! I think his parents forgot to teach him manners, but from now on I am going to do my best!

Today I want to show you 3 tags I made for the *Grungy Monday* Challenge over at Studio L3. This time it's celebrating Tim Holtz's March 2008 Technique
I used a stamp with flourishes for all 3 tags, but positioned it each time differently. I used Forest Moss, Spiced Marmalade and vintage photo inks, and gold perfect pearls. This is what they looked like after distressing;

I stamped the images with archival black using stamps from Tim Holtz and Character Constructions.

The technique was fun to try out, but it's quicker with resist ink!

And now I want to show you the lovely bookmarks I got from the *Gingersnaps* Book mark art exchange, each one is different, and each one is gorgeous, judge for yourselves:

The first two pictures show the bookmarks from Petra B. and Laura Liddell
Petra has written a quote on the back of hers, Laura an explanation of the Japanese picture and script.

The next picture shows the bookmarks from Sarah and Zoe . Sarah's African lady with the wonderful, beaded tassel and Zoe's very unusual bookmark of my home town and in my fave colours have also won a place in my heart.

Thank you all for putting so much work and talent into these beautiful little art works, which I will treasure!

And lastly, a sneak-peek of my altered *matchbox* for Tee's swap. I tried to buy a large box of matches here to alter, and got told in both possible stores in our little town that large matchboxes are a winter item, and not in stock just now! Are they kidding?? Anyway, I found a box (5 x 3 1/2") without a lid in my bottomless pit aka hall closet, and made a sleeve for it from some cardstock from SEI. I cut butterflies out of the rest of the paper, glazed them with glossy accents, and mounted them on top, with beads for *bodies*. Then I added some pale pink lace and a tassel. The rest - the lining and the goodies which will be going into it - have to stay a secret till they get to Tee!

And a short joke Narda sent yesterday, I think all ladies will love this one:

A woman devised her own system for labeling homemade
Meals she stored in the freezer. Instead of calling them
Chicken Parmigiana or Meatloaf, she labeled them
Whatever, Anything, I Don't Know and, her favorite, Food.

That way when she asked her husband what he wanted
For dinner, she was certain to have it on hand.

Actually, I wanted to do a quick post today....But time enough to wish you all a great day! Take care and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Wednesday, sunshine and a mini book

Good morning you all, hope you slept better than I did! If this post is full of typing mistakes, sorry in advance, but I am having difficulty hitting the right keys today, even more than usual!
I want to show you the mini book I made last month for a swap, it has now reached its destination, and is free for public viewing. I made the album very grungy, as the parts of Paris I like best are always the ones where it's a bit dusty and shabby.

Well, that was a lot of pictures and not a lot of text, so here's one of Narda's funnies:

A man feared his wife Peg wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.
The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss. Here's what you do,' said the Doctor, 'stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.'
That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, 'I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens.' Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?'
No response.
So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, 'Peg, what's for dinner?'
Still no response.
Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?'
Again he gets no response.
So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. 'Honey, what's for dinner?' Again there is no response.
So he walks right up behind her. 'Peg, what's for dinner?'

'Frank , for the FIFTH and FINAL time, CHICKEN!'

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

It's Tuesday and the sun is shining!

Good morning you all, I can hardly believe it, but the sun is shining and it's warm again. The weather men have said it will only be for a few days, then it will get cold again, so we will have to make the most of it.

Yesterday I started clearing up in my bed room. There are piles of things that need sorting out, loads of things higgledy piggledy in the wardrobe that need to be put straight, and then perhaps it will look more welcoming. I have decided to do half an hour a day till it's done, just hope that I don't mess it all up again in between.

Yesterday I made some more tags. On Saturday I got another nice box, which I changed into a pile of tags, and so I had an itty-bitty day doing bits and pieces. I did some painting, too, but that has to be finished for Friday, so you will see it then.

One of the tags is for the *Three Muses Challenge* , where the theme this week is *stairs*. I know my title is not very original, but it just seemed to fit!

The next one is for *Simon Says Stamp and show* - a flourish. The tag has been distressed with TH inks in gradient colours, and the background stamped with script and diamond pattern, and then clear embossed. I added a rather surreal mix of images. The top image is from CI, and also has a diamond pattern in it. The flourish has been cut from a piece of embossed and distressed coredinations paper.

This tag has been made using one of the flower fairies I got from Zoe, and the tree has been cut from some paper I got from Gaby. I made a hole in the tag, and pushed the feather into the fairy's hand, so it looks like she is tickling the owls, who are certainly looking rather grumpy! I am entering this into the challenge at *One stop Craft Challenge* where you have to show a tag, and this is two!

So, that was it for today. Have a lovely day, take care, and thanks for visiting. And Many, many thanks to all who visited and left such encouraging comments on my *Sixties* art.