Monday 27 February 2023

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!
Hope you all had a good weekend. I was able to go home again from Saturday to Sunday and enjoyed my time at home. On Sunday I met up with 2 lovely friends and we went out for a wonderful meal and then to another place for a cappuccino. It was all delicious, but the best part was meeting up with 2 good friends! 

Today I have a hybrid tag to share, showing Frida with butterfly wings as a fairy for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday:

Then I mounted the tag onto a sqare background to make a journal page for Erika's challenge  at AJJ.  This will be my last entry for this challenge:

This evening we start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who come by.

My breakfast most days:

Friday evening's buffet:

A cat with his coffee:

Food and drinks galore:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm a fan of Frida work and the person.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely Frida art today. Hope your weekend was good! Have a great week, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great day, hugs to you all 🤗🤗🤗

  3. That's a nice page vj. Your food pics look tasty!

  4. Lovely tag and page, the background adds a lot to it. Enjoyed the thinkies. Good you had fun on the weekend at home!

  5. Frida certainly looks good with wings and in red. You can't be a shrinking violet and wear red. Glad that you got to enjoy a weekend at home and to spend time with your friends. Take care.

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed your time at home and had the opportunity for time with friends. The buffet platters look tempting. Happy T Day!

  7. All these wonderful self-affirmations - they are good to read.

  8. Hi Valerie, so pleased to hear you had a good weekend. Friends are so important. I absolutely love your tag and the funnies made me smile too. Wishing you a very happy week. Hugs Angela xXx

  9. Very nice photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  10. Meeting up with friends and sharing a lovely meal is about as good as it gets, a great reason for being home for the weekend. Hopefully this is a portent of many such rendez-vous as we get into the tranquil breezes of spring, with bird song and flowers aplenty. I hope that the doctors will get you tuned up and raring to go. As for me, today is my eightieth birthday, Valerie. I will be giving a presentation on owls. Next weekend I will be leading a group of birders on a weekend in Algonquin Provincial Park. I can still walk ten or more kilometres a day without even breathing hard. I have been lucky. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. David, you put today's comment on yesterday's post so I have copied it here. Happy Birthday, stay as for and healthy as you are! Big hugs! xxxxxxx

    2. Gee, I guess my mental faculties are diminishing!

    3. Could be, I feel the same. Ran all over the house looking for my phone, which was in my pocket!

  11. Really glad you had a good weekend at home Valerie, so uplifting to meet up with friends. I bet you had some good laughs together, here's hoping as spring approaches it brings many more days out with good company.
    Your Frida art is always super, what an amazing creative she was.
    Thanks for the smiles again they always begin or end my day with a chuckle.
    Stay well now Hugs Tracey xx

  12. What a great way to use that awesome tag. I like how you incorporated it in a red journal page for Erika's theme at AJJ.

    I linked you, so you can sleep in. I am sure you would rather be home again as you were on the weekend, but you sure get fed well at the clinic.

    Your cat funnies are great and your thinkies are thought provoking. As a true cat lover, I could relate to these. Stay safe, get well and keep that great positive attitude, dear. Thanks for sharing your art, your coffee and food entries, your breakfast, the buffet, and the funnies with us for T this week.

    1. Did you also link yourself or did I somehow double list you?

    2. No, I didn't link myself, I was fast asleep! Happy T Day, and thanks!

  13. I love your Frida Art tags!! and I'm glad to hear that you had a good weekend too. I hope this week is equally as good for you Michelle x

  14. Valerie, I love your Frida tag! The butterfly wings suit her very well. How lovely that you could spend the weekend at home, I hope that soon you can be there permanently. But it's good to know that you are taken care of. Happy T day to you!

    1. Thanks Carola, I will be going home on March 8th! Happy T Day, hugs!

  15. HI Valerie, I love your tag, that evening spread looks so delicious! and loved those kitty memes Take care Hugs Kathy and Happy T

  16. I read this post this morning but ran out of time to comment as I had to go get some blood work done. Your Frida tag is great. I love that big red heart. And I also like how you embedded it on that polka-dot background as a journal page. It has lots of luscious red in it. And your breakfast looks yummy to me. You must be getting excited to move back home. I believe you said March, so that might be soon? Have a wonderful T day , and I hope your week started well. hugs-Erika

    1. Hope your blood work went well, happy T Day, hugs! Soon I will be home! One more week!

  17. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time at home. And all that food looks pretty remarkable -- a healthy breakfast is always a plus. Thanks for the kitty things!

  18. Loved your Frida tag! And that buffet looks delicious, right up my alley. I love veggies and meat and cheese.
    Great funnies!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Yes, we have a buffet like that quite often! Happy T Day, hugs!

  19. I am glad you got to home for the weekend. And friends are always welcome. Your breakfast and the buffet both look good. Great red art. Thanks for the funnies, too. Happy T Day.

  20. Your Frida tag is beautiful. And I like your food pictures too. It seems like a great evening buffet. Happy T Day!

  21. Good to hear you were free and able to enjoy the weekend! I hope you can return to your normal life soon.

    best… mae at

    1. I'll be going home next week. Happy T Day, hugs!

  22. Dein Friday-Tag ist wunderschön mit dem Herz und auch mit dem Hintergrund dazu.
    Das sieht ja lecker aus egal ob Frühstück oder Abendessen. Toll die anderen Bilder mit der Katze usw. Gut dass dein Wochenende so gut verlaufen ist und mit deinen Freunden!
    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Thanks so much Elke. Have a wonderful day, take care, BIG hugs!

  23. Beautiful tag. So much yummy food to enjoy.

  24. Your Frida art is amazing! I love everything Frida anyway, but the red just goes so well with her personality.
    Look at that buffet! That looks really delicious and very healthy.
    Going out with friends is so therapeutic. I know.
    Great funnies and thinkies.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, Frida really was a wonder woman! The food here is good. Happy T Day, hugs!

  25. Great tag/page with Frida. The heart is great as are the words. Glad you got to go home a bit and so fun to see your normal breakfast - you would laugh if I shared mine (I will try to do it next week). All your other pictures and funnies are so positive and coffee-ish and I love them. Many hugz to you sweet Valerie - I have missed you.

    1. Oh, I am looking forward to seeing your breakfast next week! I missed you, too, Sweetie! Happy T Day, hugs!

  26. The collage looks beautiful, I love the blacks and reds. Your art is amazing as always. :)

  27. Hi Valerie. Hope you are feeling well today. Your art is just beautiful. Looks like they feed you there pretty well. Love all of your funnies and the self love signs too. Have a great day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. The food here is really good. Happy T Day, hugs!

  28. First let me say... You can put butterfly wings on anything and i will LOVE it! lol Glad to hear you got to come home again AND visit with friends! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. You and me both, anything with butterfly wings is good! Happy T Day, hugs!

  29. Lovely tag. Glad you had a great time with friends.

  30. I love your Frida tag, looks great. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  31. Pleased to know that you got home for a while. Great to get out for food and drink. I love the Frida tag and the way you added it to your journal page. Love those pics of your breakfast and the buffet dishes look scrumptious, Happy T Day, Chrisx

  32. Good to hear you got home for the weekend. The tag is beautiful and all the photos are wonderful.

  33. If that is how they feed you then I think I want to book a visit. Wow, that buffet looks amazing.
    So happy to hear you got home for the weekend, it must have been lovely to have your friends with you and I guess you looked like the cat that got the coffee when you met up with them.
    Your Frieda tag is fabulous, I love the red heart especially and what a great idea to use it in your journal and make it an entry for AJJ. Lived it.
    You take care
    Hugs, Neet xx

  34. i love that frida tag! so bold and bright. friday's buffet looks pretty good too! be well. xo

  35. Oh goodness the comment I left the other day has dis-appeared! It may be in spam!

    So pleased you enjoyed time with your friends.

    All the best Jan

  36. Glad you have enjoyed your weekend at home Valerie, here's to many more coming soon! I love your very vibrant tag today!!

  37. Luv your Frida tag.

    Happy Tuesday, Valerie



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