Monday 6 February 2012

Twinchies and Journal Pages

Good morning you all, hope you have all had a great weekend, and are now fighting fit for the week ahead. I took a break from blogging over the weekend, which was really necessary, as my treatment here made me very tired last week. To crown it all, I had a session with the chiropractor on Friday, where he pulled lots of bones back into their right places and spaces, which will help in the long run, but right now it is literally a pain in the ass and a lot of other places....I have the next session today, so I am wondering how I will feel after it. The weather is still extremely cold, not really my cup of tea!

I did a little stamping class with some ladies yesterday, we made lots of cards - which they do not want to show! and it was a pleasant time. Apart from that, I managed to finish some journal pages and make the twinchies for the Gingersnaps swap, so was pleased that I got so much done. The twinchies have been made from scraps, with the addition of some small embellishments and lace.

Hope you all have a good day, have fun, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I remember that (Portia's) speech from The Merchant of Venice?

    Love all the little details on your journal pages and on the twinchies come to that. Haven't made a twinchie in ages.

    Ouch! Hope todays treatment goes well...


  2. Love your twinchies. Don't know how you do such great work in such a small space. Journal pages are onces again unique and wonderful. Glad you had a restful weekend. Hope your treatment goes well today. hugs, Donna

  3. Hope you are feeling more comfortable today and had a rest this weekend.
    Gorgeous twinchies, you have so many details in such a small space. Great journal as well.
    Yvonne x

  4. Glad you had a restful weekend Valerie. Great journal pages and gorgeous twinchies. Hope you manage to fit in some play time today! Take care. Suze xx

  5. Beautiful twinchies Valerie - so much detail in such a small space.
    Love the journal pages too.
    Hugs for you - hope you don't hurt too much after your session with the chiropractor. xx

  6. Ouch Valerie!!! hope you are feeling better and more rested today. Love your work as always the twinches are fab...must try these...great journal pages too!
    Cold here we had snow at the weekend just a little left today but very icy a stop in and craft day I think!!

    Maggie :-)

  7. Hope the treatment goes well Valerie and although it hurts it really does work as I had a bad ankle years ago after an accident which hurt for months. 2 very painful sessions with a chiropractor and it's never hurt since.
    Gorgeous twinchies and journal pages. All beautifully made and so colourful.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  8. Ouch Valerie but you still managed to create amazing art love you pages :)
    Von x♥x

  9. These are all very pretty. Hope you don't ache too much. x

  10. Those twinchies are amazing Val and so are the journal pages. The purply/blue and the green are so hypnotic together. Love them. xx

  11. Beautiful twinchies and AJ pages, I always love the colours in journal! I do hope you feel better today after your treatment, sounds really painful x

  12. The details are wonderful.

  13. Hi Valerie. Love the twinches. So much detail on such a little space. Fab journal pages as always. Hope the session goes ok.
    Take Care,
    Florence xx

  14. Love those twinchies and of course, the journal pages, Valerie!

  15. Great twinchies and fab journal pages Valerie. Take care, hugs Annette x

  16. Love all those twinchies, Valerie! And your flower-topped dress form is fabulous. Hope the chiro helps today instead of hurts!

  17. cute twinchies! And nice pages. I am wary of the chiropractor, but hope it helps!

  18. Lovely work Valerie, I hope you're feeling a little less sore tonight xx

  19. wow you've been busy again val, love your twinchies and your journal pages, well done.

    hope all is Ok with you...

    maria xx

  20. love the seed company hope you're feeling better today :)

  21. So many wonderful pages!! You are a true inspiration to me.. I have the hardest time finishing a page. I have about 10 started.. I do love seeing yours..

    Hugs, Linda

  22. Cute little creations today. Love your vibrant journal pages too. tke care, gerri

  23. Oh I do envy your vibrant journal pages! If make that when I finally get serious about journaling your pages will be my inspiration.. hugs,

  24. So much beautiful detail in such small pieces! Love the journal pages too Val. I'm sure you will feel like new soon!

  25. So much work you're getting done despite the pushing and pulling of the chiropractor! Ouch! I hope you're feeling better. I'm amazed at the detail you put on those twinchies. Nice work! I adore your journal pages. So much depth... Hugs to you!

  26. Everything is totally delightful! Great makes!

  27. "Twinchies"?? I have heard of "inchies", but not of these before. What is the difference, I'm wondering? Love how sweet yours came out! ~tina

  28. Fabulous twinchies ! So much gorgeousness on such a tiny canvas ! Great journal pages with such fabulous colours.



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