Hi Everybody!
For Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF I have some new faces, hope you like them!
Sorry, I can't type much today, my hands are very shaky.
Hi Everybody!
Hope you all had a good week. Time still seems to be running too fast, and sometimes I can't keep up with myself. But I'm trying! I have been trying to paint every day, and that does me good. I have finished an altered book, which I will show another time, and am showing some of the things I have posted lately on Facebook. And I was very moved by all of the comments you lovely people left on my blog last week. Thanks from the bottom of my heart!:
Hi Everybody!
Sorry that I have been missing for so long, I was not up to writing a post or doing much at all. As you know, I have been ill for quite some time, and the death of my sister made me very sad. The family of my sister didn't tell me that she had died till a month later. But they did send me a video of her funeral, so that was something. I needed some time just to think about everything. I will try to post once a week in the next time, and then possibly do more when I can.
Today I want to join in Nicole's FFO, it has been so long....
These are faces which I have recently had on my FB account, so I can re-show them here.
I hope you are all doing as well as possible, and I will try to get round to visiting everybody, but it might take a bit of time!
Hi Everybody!
Here's wishing us all a Happy Christmas and hopefully peace in our troubled world. Keep well, stay safe! I have some Christmas photos from now and back when to share - enjoy!
Hi Everybody!
Another week has slipped through my fingers and I don't know how the days disappeared so quickly. Today I have some pictures, funnies and thinkies and I am linking to Nicole's FFO and Gilena's AFFF.