Wednesday 2 October 2024

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Sorry I have been MIA but I was just not able to do much these past  2 weeks, but slowly I am getting back to normal, whatever that might be. At Tag Tuesday we have a new challenge, and I am hosting after a very long break. Many thanks to Sandie, Pinky and Michelle who kept everything up and running while I was down. The new theme is seasons, and anything to do with seasons is allowed.

I have a winter tag with Shaun the sheep, I always loved watching this even if it is a children's programme!

And I am re-showing this tag, as we so need peace n the world just now!

And some flowers painted long ago:

I would love to see you joining in with the challenge whic h runs for 2 weeks!

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 

Friday 20 September 2024

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!
Where did the week go? Once again it disappeared in a flash, and I didn't get much done at all. That's okay as I am supposed to be taking things easy, and next week I go into hospital again.

Today is Friday, that means Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF.
This is a collage made from torn paper scraps and there are also faces on it:

David Zinn:

Love this precious photo:

And some faces made for a 'back to school' challenge many years ago. The photo in the background is the school I used to teach at in England:

This was me a long time ago:

One of my favourite faces:

Two of my Modigliani knock-offs:

This was my husband at about 14:

And some thinkies, funnies and photos:

These three photos were taken at ALDI on Tuesday. The incoming planes heading for the airport skim over the lights and the the supermarket. It looks scary:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 16 September 2024

It's Monday again!

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend! I enjoyed a quiet one - listened to an audio book, painted, read, and cleared a couple of layers of stuff off of my art table. Now it's a bit more accessible, and perhaps I will manage some more this week, that would be good! At the moment I am just exhausted, so this is a very short post.

For Aimeslee's anything goes challenge at AJJ I have a digital piece I made:

Ad I have a mix of funnies, thinkies, David Zinn art and photos from my walk:

That's all for today! If I am up to it I will join in TsfT tomorrow!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 12 September 2024

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

I seem to have lost the last week, I think I must have fallen down a hole like Alice, but didn't meet any rabbits or  drink tea! It was just a week to forget!

On Friday I will be linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF:

I'm starting off with photos of Heike taken today, we went out for a meal, which was, as you can see, very good. I brought half of mine home with me, so tomoroow's meal is ready and waiting! Here she seems to be very happy with her food:

And some more faces:

A quick piece made last week:

This is a very old one, the picture got stuck in the printer  and came out striped, I love it!

This was a self portrait made at least 10 years ago:

Have a great Friday and weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!