Thursday 23 May 2019

Gardens, flowers, fields and more

Hi Everybody!

We had sun all day today, and tomorrow shouldn't be too bad either, so I'm making the most of it. I went for three walks today, and enjoyed them enormously. I did a total of 15 kilometers, and treated myself to a bitter choc  ice from the ice parlour on the way home this evening as a reward. And it was soooooooooo delicious!

For our challenge at Tag Tuesday, with Joan's lovely theme of gardening, I made another tag. The background and flowers were painted by me, and the text, patterning and bird (Mischief Circus)  were added digitally. There is still lots of time to enter Joan's challenge, so hope to see some more people joining in:

The poppies were water-coloured:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin

On Wednesday evening we went for a walk through Lantz'scher Park, and then through the fields and along the Rhine:

I am always intrigued by the ever changing clouds and the sun:

                   My walking buddy Harry:

This farm seems to be very ancient:

I loved the white horse:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Mid week this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We had a cold, wet and grey day yesterday, so it was more splashing than walking, but  I still managed to get out and about. And the landscape always looks good in the rain!
This colourful piece was made using a giant stamp I cut a couple of years back, it's about the size of a 'real' head. The background was sprayed, dripped and stenciled:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have some more 42s for the Hitchhikers out there:

These photos were taken in Düsseldorf on one of my walks last week. I spotted this mosaic wall at a kids' playground in the park of the old 'Standes Haus' I showed in my last post:

These wonderful murals are on the walls of a Kindergarten belonging to a catholic church:

Loved this house:

A great window decoration, and I included myself on the 2nd one.

Time for a visit to the playground -  my walking buddy Harry having fun:

I enjoyed it, too. Note the ancient walls of our little town in the background - the playground is where the moat used to be:

That's all for today.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 20 May 2019

T stands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good - have a great week, too. I had a very good weekend. The weather was good, except for a few thunder storms and some heavy rain, but I managed to dodge the rain and still spent a lot of time outside walking and having fun. I didn't manage any housework, but I did cook a very tasty veggie stir-fry so didn't go hungry.

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at Tag Tuesday - gardening, chosen by Joan. She has made 2 lovely tags to inspire you on our blog, and this hybrid tag is from me. I used photos, painted elements, and some floral images from Mischief Circus and Serif on a collaged background:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday link party, so here a hearty welcome to all of the wonderful ladies who join in. I enjoyed my coffee one day in the Altstadt of Düsseldorf:

It's on the street where the famous Uerige Brewery and lots of eateries are situated:

There is a Lindt chocolate shop opposite, but I didn't go too near, just in case!

I love the drunken reveller weather-vane at the Uerige:

I took photos of some of the older and newer buildings:

Then I walked through the quiet park of the old Standes Haus (County Parliament), which is now the K21 Art Museum:

Loved this roof garden on top of a house near the bridge:

Then I walked through Carl Platz Market:

But I'm always happy to get back to my peaceful world here:

I'll be back with some more 42s soon!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!