Saturday 25 March 2017

It's weekend

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend, the sun is shining, flowers are
blooming and the trees are starting to turn green -
who needs more? 

For Tag Tuesday, Wendy's lovely challenge of Birds and nests,
I made a second mixed media 10" tag, using partly peeled 
corrugated cardboard, painted with gesso and collaged with
 a beautiful Japanese napkin that
I was given, stitching, some art-grass and some natural bits.
I added some mother of pearl flowers, glued on with
silicone glue, and gave them centres of
liquid pearls.

I made this card for a friend, using mirri-card for the 
background, so had to take the photo from a strange
angle so as to avoid reflections:

And last but not least. a large, mixed media tag with
some digital mermaid additions for Go Tag Thursday,
where the theme is nautical
A wonderful sunrise:

More photos from my walks to and from the clinic:

Love these flowers spilling through the fence onto
the pavement:

Have a great weekend you all,
take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 24 March 2017

Flying with the birds

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, Yvonne's lovely theme 
of out and about, I have an A3 mixed media piece. The background
was painted and textured with a large brayer using sand and
bronze paint. I collaged one of 'my' men, and lots of scraps of
paper napkins and fragments of old letters. I drew round my
man with brown pastel chalk. I used more bronze with a sponge
to stencil the diamonds and birds.

Spring is springing merrily, and I take photos on my way
to and from the clinic each day:

This tree still has no leaves, but the buds are starting to grow:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Life is busy just now, so I'm posting now for Paint Party Friday
in case I don't get a chance between now and then. I'm also linking to 
Art Journal Journey, Yvonnes's theme of
out and about, and Simon Monday Challenge,
layer it up-
I made an A3 mixed media collage on a textured background - 
he fits well to the lady I showed last week. I put some leaves 
and feathers in his hat:

And here 2 pages from my 2nd 'new' journal, using various bits and
bobs from my table again:

Spring is springing everywhere, I love to see the blossoms
and flowers wherever I go:

The moss is shooting out into tiny plants:

The Japanese cherry trees are wonderful, love the
pink and white blossoms:

This house with the spring window boxes is appropriately
named  'Spring Cottage'

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot o coming by!