Saturday 16 February 2013

Playing with words again and love(ly) mail

Hi you all, it's weekend, and I hope you are all finding time to relax and enjoy your weekend. Here it is almost warm today - in comparison - 6°! I went for a rather wet and misty walk, and came home  hungry for my lunch. 

The third part of Carolyn's 'Use your Words' course is 'random letter fun', and this journal spread is my take on the theme. I started by splodging painting the background with metallic blue and yellow, and then stamping into the still wet paint with script and diamond stamps (LaBlanche). I did not use any colour, so sometimes the stamp made a sort of negative print, and sometimes transferred colour to other parts, which was an effect I liked. I then blew a little perfect pearls and copper EP onto it, and heat dried to give some texture

The second layer has been made using 3 stencils from CWS and dark blue distress ink.

Then I used my stencils to draw the figures and letters with a fine black permanent marker. I coloured them all with a turquoise prismalo pencil and painted over them with a water pen. I wanted them to have some colour, but still show the background.

The pictures which I have taken at an angle show more of the texture and sheen.

I had fun making this again - I always do, it's just H*******K I don't like doing!

And on Valentine's Day I got 2 lovely cards, from Donna in Mexico - she knows I love cardboard!

And from Carolyn in the USA.

Both ladies kindly added embellies, too, and I was really happy to get post on Valentine's day!
Thanks a lot Donna and Carolyn!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, reeeeeeeeelax, have fun and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Playing with words and colours

Hi you all, warm greetings from freezing Germany! This week has flown by again, and I was busy doing lots of different projects, some of which I even got finished. I am following Carolyn's course 'Use your words' just now. Although I have done my pages differently, and used the stuff I have here, I have concentrated on words. Both journal pages have been painted, sprayed and dripped in many layers - I do like getting messy! - before adding my text.

Here I used metallic paint in yellow and pink as basis, and sprayed and dripped various colours onto it, before giving it a dusting of gold perfect pearls. The shine does not show up well in the photos, it has been a really dark day here, not ideal for taking pics! As I write there is a snow blizzard outside, which makes me happy to be inside! I chose the words aspire, soar, live and fly. Live has been made using the waste from a die-cut, and the other words using a template, the only one I have for large letters. The 'flying' person has been made from a home-made template. I used the sparkly flourishes as templates, too, before sticking them down. I quite like the emptiness on the pages, so I don't know if I will do some more here or not; time will tell!

Here I have used my heads again, in conversation with each other, and a typical dialogue!

Round about the heads I have written a quote from Hillel, a Rabbi who lived about the same time as Jesus. On the left I have written it in English, on the right in Hebrew. It reads: 'If I am not for myself, who will be? And when I am for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?

I am not sure here whether or not I want to add to these pages. Sometimes I like to have some free space in my head(s)!

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Simon Says Stamp and Show, where the theme is to get messy - I did; my kitchen, too!

Have a good weekend you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Moos and Birds

Hi you all! It's still freeeeeeeeezing here, it snowed for a couple of hours this morning, but seems to be more or less gone now. The temperatures are rising again - from -3° this morning to +1° now, so that's something! I have been busy making Moos, little cards 2,8 x 1,1", for the Moo Mania Challenge, where the theme this week is pointed hats, something that links to carnival here in Germany! I got carried away again, or should I say moo-ved to make several, it's just hard to stop once you get started.

These chaps looked like they needed some fun, so I gave them all pointy hats. The chap on the left has been decorated with some 'Luft Schlangen'. Literally translated this gives you 'air-snakes' - they are not dangerous though, just little rolls of coloured paper which you drape over and round everything and anything at party time.

This chappie was positively begging to join in the celebrations....

And this young man seems to be wearing the Eiffel Tower as his hat:
(All stamps are from Chocolate Baroque)

Here is a photo cut from the newspaper, showing a genuine celebration in Düsseldorf, you can see some more pointy hats in the background. Nobody looks twice if they see people walking through the streets at carnival time in fancy costumes - you just get stared at if you look 'normal'!

And little Miss Araminta was on my table, just clamouring to join in the fun, so I let her!

Miss Araminta is also starring in my card for the birds challenge at Fashionable Stamping. I used a square of speciality stamping paper, which I distressed with gradient colours, before stamping some plants and grasses with Memento London Fog to make the background. The plants and birds in the foreground have been stamped with black archival.  Miss Araminta and her cousin Miss Bella are dressed in their Sunday best and out for a walk. I stamped them twice, popping them up with foam squares, and the dresses have been paper pieced to give more depth. I gave them both a coat of clear varnish to give them some shine. Miss Araminta has a lace trim on her dress, Miss Bella has been picking flowers to line her nest.
The lovely ladies birds are from Catherine Moore, the background stamps are from Artemio, Stampin Up and LaBlanche.

These were both fun challenges, and Miss Araminta was soooooooo happy to be the centre of attraction again, she is really crazy for publicity!
Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping in!

Monday 11 February 2013

And still more tags....

Hi you all. It's still very cold here, although the snow has almost disappeared. Hope you are all managing to keep warm - or cool - wherever you are!

The first tag today is for the challenge at Out of a Hat Creations, where the ladies would like to see three textures. I have used corrugated card, partly peeled, gessoed and painted- the card is my fave texture just now! I added a piece of old book paper, and a strip if card into which I have embossed three different textures using Utee.  Added the flowers and jute as embellishments, tied it up with a piece of string, and that was it.

That blue thumb belongs to me!

The second tag is one for Valentine. Once again I have used corrugated card, my script stamp, lace and scraps, half of a TH branch tree,  an image from a postage sheet from Gecko Galz, and a few embellies from my bit box.

Tag Number 3 is my Tag Tuesday 'F' tag. I know a lot of words beginning with 'F', but some are not suitable for making into I chose fingers as my word:

No, they are neither my fingers nor my nails!

That's all for today, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Sunday 10 February 2013

Tags again....

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying your weekend, whatever you are up to! My first tag today is my DT piece for the second week of 'Give me your heart' over at  The Cheerful Stamp Pad, so you still have a week to enter the challenge. I have used cardboard again, partly peeled, painted with gesso and a little left over paint. I used my script stamp for the background, and added a rub on bird at the top. The image was a freebie from Gecko Galz.

The second tag is for the 'Ever after' challenge at Simon Says.  I have made a tag using paper from 'The Fairy Tale' stack for the background, with a collage of different fairy-tale elements - the fairy castle,, a schoolgirl waiting for her prince, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, the big bad wolf, a talking bird and a magic tree. The scroll at the top is the German equivalent of 'Once upon a time'

Have a good evening, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!

Saturday 9 February 2013

Alpha Challenge - 'E'

The current Alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn is for 'E'. First I tried E for elephant, but didn't really like the page, as it reminded me of the work-sheets I used to make for the kids at school! 

So I started again....This time with 'even numbers'. In case you have forgotten what you learned in school, this is the definition: 

Even numbers are numbers that can be divided evenly by 2. An even number ends in 0,2,4,6 or 8.
There is even (no pun intended!) a song about them, which you can find here.
I used a dictionary page, which was gessoed, and then placed the fussy cut numerals onto it and sprayed  over them which blue ink. When it was dry, I edged them with faux stitching. I added lots of different numerals in various sizes to make up the background, before adding the large cut out ones. I was also able to use up some peel-offs which have been in my stash for years, and this gave a bit of colour. Then I added lots of crazy faux stitching in all directions.

We had a lot of snow again in the night, so I am off now for a refreshing walk!
Take care, have a good weekend, and thanks for coming by!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Paint Party Friday

Hi you all! I thought I would not get anything more finished today, as it was H*******K day! BUT - as I couldn't sleep, I got up very early, did the laundry, mopped the floor, cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen, dusted the furniture and even tidied up - and at 10 o'clock I was finished! This left me with plenty of crafty time. I got out my paints and sprays and went to work. I gave the background a thin coat of metallic paint - which gives a nice shimmer - and then sprayed with various  shades of blue and purple , and let it run in different directions. Sorry the photos are bad, I had to put the lights on as it was a dark day.

Then I drew round some of the parts at the bottom, and scribbled around a bit, before adding the beautiful cherub.

And then I decided to cut it up and make a journal out of it. I divided the paper into 2 pieces, and mounted them on to the back of an old painting block. I gave the front and back 2 coats of clear varnish to make them more durable.

I lined the inside covers with some pretty aqua coloured paper from Prima, and made a pocket inside the front cover to hold the two matching book marks.

I cut white paper to size (30x20cm) and bound it all with my BIA. If you're wondering why I used red wires, I didn't have any others or I couldn't find them!
I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Kristin and Eva. 
Have a great weekend you all, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!