Monday 27 May 2024

Monday / Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!
Hope you all enjoyed / are enjoying your weekend!

Today I have another piece for Erika's and my poetry challenge at AJJ. I am re-showing a poem made many years back, but still very much me:

Give me coffee, but no tea,
Tea is not the drink for me.
Coffee, frothy, brown and hot -
I can always drink a lot.
Coffee topped with whipped up cream -
This with joy will make me scream.
Cafe au lait with chocolate sprinkles,
Makes me happy, stops my wrinkles.
And if the point you have not seen -
A day without coffee makes me mean!

And as you can see, this is what Leda was dreaming of when Leonardo painted her!

This evening I will be linking to Elizabeth's TsfT link party.

And some pictures, thinkies, funnies etc:

David Zinn showing his coffee:

Have a great, new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 24 May 2024

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Just a quick post, time has once again run faster than me!
This is once again for Erika's and my challenge at AJJ, poetry.

Today I have a poem from an English poet and writer, Charles Kingsley , and it is accompanied by a quick, fun face painted onto a leftover piece of patterned paper:

My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
No lark could pipe to skies so dull and grey:
Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you
For every day.
Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
Do noble things, not dream them, all day long:
And so make life, death, and that vast for-ever
One grand, sweet song.

And a few Thinkies and Funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care.
And thanks a lot for coming by!


Thursday 23 May 2024

Enjoy your life

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a colourful and fun piece to share. I was clearing my workdesk, better known as my messy kitchen table, and found a half finished piece painted on the cardboard from an A3 drawing block, as well as various scraps collage pieces. So I finished painting and then added the bits and bobs. I had fun, and I love this colourful journal page:

And then I remembered this poem written many years ago, and decided to put it together with this happy painting:

'We all get born when we are small,
It would be hard if we were tall!
Then we start out on our way
Through life which takes us many a day.
At first we cry and bawl and scream
Get fed and washed and rubbed with cream,
With powder and I know not what,
All babies seem to get the lot.
Then come the teeth and baby ills,
And weight-control and potty spills,
We start to laugh and talk and run
A toddler's life is lots of fun.
The years at school go by real’ fast
We learn that nothing in life can last.
Then comes the time to learn a job
Now we are part of the working mob,
Doing lots of work for little money,
On the whole not always funny.
And then we fall in love and wed
Kids are born and must be fed;
The days go by like a flash of laughter
Running after son and daughter.
And they grow up and then leave home
Start on families of their own.
And we get older then and older,
But have no fear, old age makes bolder,
For we don’t care what others say
And spoil our grandkids every day.
And then, perhaps, an old age home
With senior games and never alone.
And sooner or later, the game is over
And we get buried under the clover.
What comes after that, is yet to be seen,
Perhaps an eternal Halloween?
But as we don’t know, enjoy it now,
The journey through life till you take your last bow,
When the curtain falls for the very last call,
Till then, enjoy life, and have a real ball!'

I am linking to Erika's and my challenge at AJJ, Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Today has been a very stormy day so I've been tring to dodge the rain , thunder and lightning, and mostly succeeded. Now the rain is hurtling down, so I'm glad I got back home on time after visiting Heike .

Today I have another piece for Erika's and my challenge at AJJ, this one with a bird. The words printed round it are part of a song we used to sing when we first started school, way back when at the beginning of the 1950s:

'Little bird, I have heard,
What a pretty song you sing:
Flying high, in the sky.
On your tiny wings':

Andx I have another cat tag for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And this is the weather outside as I'm typing:

Not my photo, but so fantastic, wow:




Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 20 May 2024

Monday / Tuesday Post - A wonderful dream

Hi Everybody!

Today is a bank holiday here so I will be able to sleep a little longer - I hope!

I have another piece for Erika's and my challenge - poetry - at AJJ. Today I have a piece about strawberries  - very fitting just now as it's strawberry season here, and yesterday afternoon I went with Heike to visit her brother and his wife, and we feasted off asparagus, potatoes, ham and then chocolate pudding, whipped cream and masses of strawberries - yummy! I wrote  a quick verse to accompany it:

On Monday evening Elizabeth starts celebrating her TsfT drink party, so we need to show a drink to join in- I think this picture will be known to many readers:

Unexected visitors:

We had a lot of foggy mornings here:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!