Wednesday 10 April 2024

More Geometric shapes (6) Squares

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for my challenge at AJJ. This time it's about squares:

This is, of course, another of my weaves, which I always like making. For this one a 12" sheet of painted paper was chopped up to make the weave, although I once again didn't get the lines straight!

And I recycled an Easter card to make a tag with spring flowers. I coloured the edges with picked raspberry distress ink and placed it onto a paper lace doily. I found the flowers in a jar of bits and bobs. I painted the rabbit using distress inks, too. I am linking to my spring flowers challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And some photos:

At home!

My evening walk through the fields:

The sun was going down:


More skies:

Yesterday morning. I took the picture through the glass. Can you see what happened?

Enough for today! Have a great one,
Take care and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 8 April 2024

Geometric shapes no 5.

Hi Everybody! 
Hope you all had a great weekend, and welcome to a new week and a new challenge at AJJ, In the last challenge, we lost our marbles, this time it's just a bit crazy, but it could be that tis lady is on the brink of losing hers:

And before you ask, it's not a photo of me....

Geometry hanging over my desk, and all over the desk:

Geometric shapes with right foot of the artist:

The castle ruins:

Coffee cups galore:

Another painting made at the clinic:

This is the colour chart from my new gouche paints. If you want to read it, please stand on your head or reverse your computer or whatever, sorry!

A beautiful house!

Geometric breakfast:

More coffee:

And a little bit of fun for you:

Senior surprise egg - now new with Pacemaker, Hearing aids, false teeth, magnifying glass, Viagra or extra pension.
What would you choose?

I am linking to Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday tea party and to my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ.
Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 6 April 2024

Losing my marbles - Geometric shapes No. 4, AJJ

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, so I hope we all have a good one, and some good weather. Today it was cold, wild and stormy, but some places near here had Tornadoes. But of course it's nothing to do with climate change!

Today I am sharing another journal page for my challenge at AJJ, using one of my heads. For those who don't know my heads, I can assure you that nobody suffered while making them! The head was cut from an old letter, and placed onto a quick and wild colour splurge page I painted- The small marbles are also cut from the same paper. The text was added digitally:

And I also have another tag for my challenge at Tag Tuesday  - Spring Flowers. The background is hand painted, the bird in the tree is this week's freebie at the Graphics Fairy - thanks Karen - and I added some extra flowers digitally:

The rain came down in torrents....These are all views from my balcony:

And then kept stopping and starting for a while:

This face is  made with a colourwash, using some Japanese water colour paint. I drew the outline with a fine brush, and then just used the same colour with more or less water added to paint the face and hair:

A spring collage:

More rainbows, and David Zinn has sneaked in here:

No life without coffee (and a little cake):

And here I tried to paint my friend's horse again. I think it's better than the first one I tried, but it still makes me cringe!

Have a happy weekend, have fun,
And thanks a lot for coming by!