Wednesday 1 November 2023

Nature - new challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new theme at AJJ and this time our lovely 
Jo of Let's Art Journal
is hosting, so we will all be able to enjoy lots of her fabulous posts. And I hope to see lots of you joining in and having some creative fun with us!

For my piece I have a drawn and painted a scene to which I added a few digital images:

And I have some funnies and thinkies for you:


Today I went out for dinner with Heike, the food was wonderful but I was so hungry I didn't take photos...Sorry. We had fried potato fritters (latkes) with salad, salmon and stewed apple, yummy! Afterwards I had some time before my appointment for physiotherapy so I walked round a bit and took some photos:

I sat by the fountain for 5 minutes, it was a nice place for a break:

And physiotherapy with a full belly is hard!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 30 October 2023

T sTands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!
A new week has started, let's see what it brings. 

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink & link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I have some drinks to show you:

Thiss picture was taken last week in my kitchen, my first coffee of the day, yessssss!

And some of my creations:

This picture is hanging in the living room of a friend:

I painted a lot of these still life with coffee pictures a couple o years back, it was very relaxing:

Last week I joined in a 5 day retreat with Sue Young of Sujati Studio, and I enjoyed it. It helped take my mind off the awful happenings in the world just now - where and when will it end?

One of the pieces we made was this art muse, but I an calling her an angel of peace,  because we so need peace in our world just now:

And some funnies and Thinkies:

Happy T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 28 October 2023

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well and I wish us all a great weekend!
Today I have a hybrid piece for Neet's 'In gear' challlenge at AJJ:

And I have a piece I made for a course I did. It should have been painted, and I made it with soft pastels, sso it wasn't as detailed as it should have been, but at the moment I have other problems, like very shaky hands again, So please excuse any spelling mistakes! And I actually like the picture as it is!

And I have some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!