Friday 18 August 2023

Friday faces and more

Hi Everybody!

Today I have some more faces to link to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF .

These pics were quick scribbles on newspaper, to practise making expressions. Some were later collaged with magazine cut-outs:

Someone said I never draw men:

These statues are at Spitalfields Market in London, where I grew up:

This was at least 5 years ago, and today I'm wearing the same, striped shirt!

This is funny!

Have a great Friday and weekend!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Where in the world....Midweek\Thursday Post

Hi Everybody!

Just a quick post today, time has run away again....

Today I have a piece for Chris' 'where in the world' challenge at AJJ.  I am showing you a picture and I want you to tell me where in the world it is. And it's easy!

And I have some funnies /thinkies:

The next 2 are specially for people like me:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 

Monday 14 August 2023

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a piece to share that I painted over the weekend. I thought I would have more painting time, but the weekend was too short! But I did manage some feet up time, and that means having a nap, or reading or both! 
I had fun painting this doggie-girl with her tongue hanging out. This is another piece inspired by Emma Petitt. Emma paints the bestest (new word!) and the funniest dogs and figures possible. She always gives her figures strange proportions with over large body parts, and lately her dogs are also starting to be different. Here you can see that my sunbathing doggie girl has rather large paws.... She was painted with acrylics on an A3 textured and painted background. So I have called her PAWla Pink. Emma also spends most of her time saving abandoned pups, getting them fit and healthy, and finding good homes for them. You can read about her and her little family on FB here:
And if any of you have some money to spare, Emma always needs funds to feed and look after her many little pups who are always hungry!

I like how the background turned out, too:

This evening we will also begin celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday Link Party, where ladies from many countries of the world share their drinks and more:

My drink is coffee:

This is the painting I showed at the weekend, and yes, there is a coffee cup on it - what else? And can you read the name on the cup?

After several weeks of tests and trying out different ear-buds I now have my new hearing-aids. They cost a fortune, but I can now hear everything - GREAT!

I am still totally exhausted, and have been doing too much again.  I am going to have an early night so I am fit for tomorrow.

Have a great T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!