Friday 9 June 2023


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday - yessssssssssss!

For Matilde's numbers challenge at AJJ I have an A3 mixed media face to share:

And some older faces for Nicole's FFO:

I am also linking to Gillena's AFFF.

Sorry, no bla-bla today, I'm not feeling so good and want to get to bed!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


Wednesday 7 June 2023

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing an A3 mixed media piece for Matilde's  all about numbers challenge at AJJ. The background was painted and stencilled. The  girl was drawn with soft pastels and charcoal, and splattered with paint. I added some stick on insects:


And I have some photos from a trip through the Altstadt of Düsseldorf, enjoy!

St Lambertus Church and the old castle tower, now a nautical museum:

I love this one:

I  think this is art:

You are invited to sit in the armchair and relax:

An ancient  Pub/restaurant from the 17th century:

A famous brewery:

 Strange shops:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 5 June 2023

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

Today I have a piece for Matilde's all about numbers challenge at AJJ,

And I have another tag for Sandie's nautical theme at Tag Tuesday:

For Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday I have some pics from my weekend. On Friday my lovely friend Sabine came from Aachen to visit me. We walked to the Rhine and had lunch outside at this restaurant by the ferry:

This is Sabine. She's drinking white beer with raspberry syrup and I have my usual white beer just from another brewery:

Sabine had sausage, fried eggs and fried potatoes  with salad:

I had a fruity curry with rice, also very delicious:

This was the beer we drank:

And of course, on Sunday I went for a meal with my lovely friend Heike:

Pretty table decorations:

And some funnnies / thinkies:

Which 3 would you choose?

Have a great start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!