Thursday 13 October 2022

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I have been resting a lot, was able to take a few short walks, and am trying to regain my strength I just need some more patience....

Today I have a tag for Michele's spooky challenge at Tag Tuesday. This is a hybrid tag. The background is a painting of Stonehenge that I made myself a few years ago, with a photos of my balcony blackbird and some digital elements, including Freddy! The background paper is from Gecko Galz:

And I have a piece I started before I went into hospital after the FB taster lesson from Jennifer Bonneteau. Her painting was dreamy and beautiful, mine not quite so.... I painted my face over a mixed media page made some time back. I am linking to Elle's Tell me a story challenge at AJJ. My story is that the lady wakes up in a painting and can't find her body.... I used diluted acrylic paints and paint pens:

This was the sunrise this morning:

Some funnies /thinkies:

The beautiul pot of roses was from my neighbour Gabi:

I am linking to Rain's TADD - the lady who has lost her body,
Nicole's FFO - faces, and 
Gillena's Friday art fun.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Back home

Hi Everybody!

I'm happy to say I'm back home after my stay in hospital.   I had 2 operations on my stomach and bile duct, and nearly all of my body organs were inflamed. My kidneys were on the verge of giving up. Next time I feel bad I need to go to the doctor or hospital in good time and not dream that it will go away if I ignore it! And I'm thankful to my nice neighbours who called an ambulance, or I wouldn't be here writing today!

I have gone back into fairy land for Elle's tell me a story challenge at AJJ. The background was drawn and painted for Tony Burt's LB taster session. I magicked it into my Graphics programme and added the other elements digitally:

And some photos

Sunset from my window in the hospital:

Tea  and cake on my last day - what a luxury after days of not being able to eat!

And this was my room:

Frost and mist this morning:

Beautiful roses from my nice neighbour Gabi.  She and another neighbour really saved my life by insisting on calling an ambulance:

And some funnies:

I will try and post again in the course of the week, but I need to rest and must somehow re-structure my days. 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!
And if you're ill, go to the doctor's before it's too late!

Tuesday 4 October 2022

New challenge at TioT

Hi everybody !!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT and our theme is autumn colours and scenes.i have a hybrid piece. I painted the fox last time in the taster sessions of Life Book. I cut it out and placed it onto a digital background.

Some funnies:

Sorry, another short post, I am still feeling really ill.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 3 October 2022

T STANDs FOR Tuseday

Hi Everbody!Just a very short post -  I was very ill over the weekend, so can't write much today.

Have a great day, take care
and thanks for coming by!

Saturday 1 October 2022

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey and this time the lovely Elle of EOTC is hosting. Her theme is Fairy tales, folklore and fables - tell me a story.  It sounds a bit complicated, but Elle has explained it on the AJJ Blog.

I was quite happy with Tam's LB lessson at the beginning of the week, and I altered it a bit to make a butterfly fairy:

And I have some funnies / thinkies for you:

And some sunrise pics:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!