Monday 9 November 2020

T sTands for This and That on Monday

Hi Everybody!

I was very relieved to hear the election news from the USA at the weekend. This has really given new hope to the world, and I am happy for all friends and family over the pond.

I am starting early with my T post as I have a busy day on Monday with various appointments.

I painted a crazy piece last week, don't ask me what it's all about, I don't know. I started it after spilling a lot of white paint over a background in my journal, and I doodled away to make the best of it. This is also my entry ticket for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday and Wendy's 'birds' challenge at AJJ. And I would like to welcome all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here:

And a real cup of cappuccino:

Some photos from a walk through the woods a couple of weeks back:


Saturday 7 November 2020

Weekend Post

 Hi everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I am sharing one of the pieces I made in Tam's 'art, heart and healing' course. It's a double page mixed media collage spread in an altered book journal, somewhere between A5 and A4. First of all we wrote down all the negative things we think or feel about ourselves on the left size, and after painting it over it was collaged with a new and meaningful text:

As I have birds on both pages I am also linking to AJJ, Wendy's birds challenge.

And I have some photos from today's sunrise and walk:

This new mural appeared on a wall near here;

Along the Rhine:

Flowers in boxes on the town hall:

Masked face cartoons have been sprayed everywhere on the pavements to remind people.  Let's hope it helps!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 6 November 2020


Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all managing to stay fit and well in these difficult times. The time has raced by again this week, and once again Friday has come around more quickly than I thought possible.

Ths week I have been trying to learn to draw with coloured pencils at Ida Anderson's  'Wish upon a star course'. Some of the ladies made really fantastic art, but I tried my best and am not completely dissatisfied with my result, and hope to do some more over the weekend and keep practising:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have a hybrid piece using photos and digital elements for Wendy's birds challenge at AJJ:

And  a few photos:

This morning started off cold and frosty, I love how the mist is over the stream:

It was cold outside waiting for the sun to rise:

It took some time before the mist cleared:

Last week when I was shopping with my neighbour we saw these wonderful clouds as we were going back to his car:

As we drove off it started to rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning - this pic was taken through the car window:

This was my walk from Thursday afternoon, walking towards the setting sun:

The moon from this evening (Thursday):

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!