Monday 5 October 2020

New Challenge at More Mixed Media.

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I had a quiet and restful time at home, enjoyed doing my lessons at Tam's Lifebook taster course, cooked myself a good meal, and apart from that, enjoyed listening to audio books while crafting. After the stress of last week with too many appointments, changeable weather, tram and bus strikes and a freezer which gave up the ghost I NEEDED a quiet weekend. On Wednesday I opened the door to my freezer, which is above the fridge, and cold water poured out onto my head. I had to throw everything away, clean the kitchen and freezer and wait for someone to repair it. He put a new thermostat in and now it seems to be working normally again. But what an unpleasant shock!

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media. As always, our themes are anything mixed media goes, this time with optional orange. You have 4 weeks to join us, and there are prizes and badges up for grabs, so hope you will join us. I made an A3 mixed media piece, with a textured background, lots of colourful circles and autumnal decorations with flowers, twigs and birds. The flowers were collaged with napkin scraps. The text was added with a stencil. I am also linking to Chris' 'Hold the line' challenge at AJJ as there are lots of lines here:

I put new fat-balls and nuts out for the birds, the blue tits were delighted:
(The photo was taken through the window)

The bird tree:

A moon that would be good for Halloween:

Wet and misty mornings:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 4 October 2020

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Saturday was a public holiday here - the Day of German Unity - to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago. I had a quiet and restful day at home, with time for painting, cooking and an afternoon nap, so I enjoyed it. I have managed to keep up with all of the lessons at the Lifebook taster course,  which is fun. I have made some things which I would never have tried, and which I perhaps won't try again, but I learn something each time, and that's good.  I loved the lesson from Iris Fritschi-Cussons where we made textural, abstract flowers. I started out with a page from a fashion prospect, which I gessoed and sewed to an A3 sheet of painting paper. The background was given some colour with neocolour crayons and  scribbly flowers were made with lots of paint. At the end I dribbled the white lines with acrylic paint in a fine tip applicator and added the sentiment. And I am linking to Art Journal journey where Chris' challenge is 'hold the line':

Then I had the feeling that something was missing, so late at night I did some sewing around the flowers, and then I liked it better!

On Saturday morning I didn't really want to leave my bed, but then I saw this when I opened my window:

Social distancing:

Another happy magpie:

My balcony flowers are on the way out:

Pigeons on the castle ruins:

There are always musicians along the Rhine and at various places in the town:

A cup of coffee at the market is always welcome:

Autumn leaves everywhere:

I always love teazels:

At the little farm:

Flowers by the stream:

And fungi:

Some photos altered in Tuxpi - I loved this little cutie:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!