Sunday 16 August 2020

Sunday Monday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Thanks again to all who left good wishes on my blog. I am slowly feeling more 'normal', whatever that might be, but still feel a bit like a clockwork toy that somebody forgot to wind up....I managed 2 very short walks today, which was good. If I can I would like to try again on Sunday, but I'm still a long way from my usual fitness. But I will get there again! We had very mixed weather, it's still hot and humid, but we had some rain and storms. Some places had so much rain that the rivers overflowed and the streets and houses filled with water. The Big Heat isn't over yet, but a few days a bit cooler would be lovely....I would like to get my apartment back to a normal temperature instead of over 30°.

Today I am sharing a colourful A3 mixed media piece made in my large journal some weeks back. I can't do any crafting just now as my kitchen feels like an oven, so I must wait till it cools down a bit. The background was brayered with pastel colours over gesso. I added circles in various sizes and painted them with the same colours as the background, but not diluted. I rubbed on some hologram paste for a bit of glitter, and added some scraps of Jane Davenport tissues:

And some beauties from the gardens in Südpark:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 14 August 2020

Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping well. Thanks for the good wishes. I think the new meds are helping, I can move a bit easier now, and I am really sticking to doctor's orders!

For Alison's challenge at AJJ I have another mixed media A3 page in my large journal. The sentiment is on the attached tag. I like these colours:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

For Michele's Alice in Wonderland challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag:

And some photos from this week:

I spent some time sitting under the trees in the old cemetery, another good place to sit and have a rest on a hot day:

Andthe sunrise has been beautiful each day, even if the sun has been too hot for me lately:

Shadows on the curtains:

And the evenings were pretty, too. The tree behind the garden has already lots nearly all of its leaves because of the drought. I read in the paper that this is the worst drought since 250 years. Okay, I wasn't around then, but I believe it.

Can you see the grey dragon in the clouds?

have  a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Midweek post

 Hi Everybody!
Sorry, not much blogging today today.  I 'm feeling rather bad just now. I was at the doc's yesterday and got more medication and 2 injections, and I just need to have a rest till they kick in and stop the pains. I have a post scheduled for Friday, and will try to get round to visiting you soon.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!