Friday 17 July 2020


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday - enjoy. The weekend is coming, and we might even get a bit of sun here. And I don't really mind if we don't, I enjoy walking in the rain, even if I don't sing! But I do sometimes get soaking wet, and I don't mind that, either!

Today I have another A3 mixed media journal page in cool colours - ideal to share with Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ, and with Paint Party Friday

I painted the background with green, turquoise and gold and sprinkled it with some glitter. The butterflies and dragonflies were collaged with pieces cut from paper napkins. The leaves were painted, fussy cut and sewed to the background. The sparkly lizard was half of a lizard that got caught in a drawer and ripped in half - poor thing - so I used his good half here.  The feather was rescued from my table and the edges were stitched:

I have no idea how this one got rounded edges....

Today I am sharing some glass from the glass museum in Düsseldorf, one of my fave places to hang out. The first pieces are modern art glass. The objects are part of the glass patterning:

Here the cup in the cup is just an illusion:

As are the scissors:

I love this huge piece:

Beautiful glasses:

Art Nouveau vases:

More beautiful glass ware:

An Art Nouveau window:

Have a great day, take care,
and hanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 16 July 2020

Rain's Thursday Art date - 2 colours

Hi Everybody!

For Rain's art-date I have chosen some of my creations which have 2 main colours in them, and sometimes a bit more....

Vincent van Gogh said 'There is no blue without yellow and orange':

Details from some of my van Gogh knock-offs:

Okay, here there are at least 2 colours:

I love this colour combination:

And some photos with 2 colours (some pics from Pexels):

That's all for today folks!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are having a good week. I had my control visit to the eye specialist yesterday, and he is pleased with my progress. But said I still need to be careful, and no lifting or bending - bye bye housew***!

For Sandie's 'by the sea' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag:

I am also linking to A bit more time to craft, anything goes.

And I have a hybrid when-it's-warm journal page for Erika's challenge at AJJ,
using elements from me, Serif and Mischief circus:

And some photos from yesterday and today:


Early morning:


The Rhine:

Crows this morning:

My balloon flowers are doing well:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!