Saturday 18 April 2020

Geometric shapes and cats

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

According to the latest statistics the virus seems to be receding here in Germany,
which will lead to some 'improvements' from next week.  Smaller shops - like those in our little town - can open again providing they have a suitable hygienic plan in place and can prevent overcrowding etc. We still have to take precautions, keep our distance from others etc, and I hope people will not be reckless and think they can now do what they want - we shall see. And masks in public transport and stores are recommended. Pubs, cafes and restaurants will not be allowed to open yet. We will have to wait and see how things develop.

For my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ  I have a hybrid piece today - a hand-painted background with a playful cat (Mischief Circus) swinging in a circle:

And I have more photos showing geometric shapes, all taken on my walks at various times:

Looks like Lili has a halo:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 17 April 2020

Three men, a tiger and a turtle....

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying by again, I don't know where the time goes.... Hope you are all keeping well and safe. This week I felt like doing something else, lately I have been doing a lot of more or less 'pretty' pieces, and I just needed a change.
I painted an A3 page with gesso, sprinkled some black infusions on it, sprayed it with water and let it drip. When it was dry I sprinkled it with some red paint drops. The men are some drawings made a long time back, and inspired back then by an ad in a magazine. I printed them out in  b/w and glued them to the page with art potch. Then I outlined them with red pastel-chalk and rubbed a bit of colour around the page:

I transferred some bits from a black and white napkin and added a sentiment, written in white on a red rectangle:

I am linking to my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have some geometric photos from Tiger and Turtle, a huge art installation in a neighbouring town, with great views over the surrounding industry and town. It looks like a roller-coaster, but it's a huge walkway, and is also called 'magic mountain' .Great for those of us who love geometry and running up and down stairs! I'm looking forwarded to visiting there again when 'Corinna' has been kicked out!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 16 April 2020

Bubbles - Rain's Thursday Art Date

Hi Everybody! 

Rain's theme this week is bubbles - bubbly, so I have tried to find pictures for this theme. For my theme at AJJ I made a hybrid piece with digitally-airbrushed bubbles so I could combine both themes. The background was hand-painted and the figures cut-outs from magazines which I digitally altered:

This is an older piece to which I added bubbles:

And some pieces from previous years which fit Rain's theme and my geometric shapes theme:

And some bubbly photos:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!