Wednesday 15 April 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

It's still rather chilly here in Germany, but we did have a couple of hours sun this afternoon, so that was something. I cooked a delicious veggie soup with Chinese noodles, and had a small pancake with blueberries for supper. It was a good day for me!

I have a 12" x 12" page for my geometric shapes theme at AJJ today. I did some recycling here as I had used this sheet of paper before. There was a photo on the right side that I didn't like, so decided to remove it and make something else. In removing the photo I tore a huge hole in the paper. I wanted to use my Frida stamp to cover  it, but it was too small, so I scanned an imprint of the stamp, enlarged it and placed it  onto a striped background before printing it out big enough to cover the hole. I stitched it onto the page, and added various pieces of washi tape and a strip of recycled  lace. I placed some vintage buttons on the lace. I stamped and embossed Frida and the dare to dream stamp with black soot and fine black EP. Then I added 'Genuine' as my sentiment:

And I have another tag for Wendy's 'gold and silver' theme at Tag Tuesday. The quote is from Shakespeare's  Merchant of Venice:

Sunday gave us another wonderful sunrise:

The photos are from Sunday's walk:

I love walking in the early morning when everything is so still and peaceful:

A geometric tree:

And the flowers are filled with geometric shapes:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 14 April 2020

T sTands for TIOT and more

Hi Everybody!

After several days of sunshine and temps of about 25° we were plunged back into a cool 10° with rain and wind on Monday. But it's only supposed to last for a few days before it warms up again. At least it kept a lot of people home, only the dedicated and those being walked by their four legged companions go out early in this weather, so I enjoyed my walk very much.

This week I am joining TIOT as guest designer for the new challenge, 'fun with stencils' with my A3 piece. .I found the stencil of the chess pieces in my drawer, I can't remember buying it, but I suppose I must have purchased it at sometime and then forgotten about it, which gave me a 'new' stencil to use today.  The background was gessoed and then painted with yellow and orange acrylics and textured with a spiral stamp while still wet. The blue circles were added with a sponge. The small leaves and flowers were also stenciled. When it was dry I stenciled the chess pieces using Archival black. Then I doodled some  lines and dots in white and turquoise, putting white dots around the chessmen. I added the quote and did some sewing to finish it off. As it is full of geometrical shapes, I am also linking to my challenge at AJJ:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link parTy, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T gang who visit.
Coffee is, with or without visits to cafes, my staple diet:

Here a scene from better days:

I made a delicious cream of Kohlrabi soup, which I served with roasted pumpkin seeds - delicious:

And I gave into temptation and made a blueberry pancake, here's it's still in the pan:

The shops were all decorated for Easter before  'Corinna' spoiled everything. As there are a lot of small, independent shops here, I hope that they will survive these hard times:

Most are now offering to deliver goods and people can order by phone or internet:

The restaurants are offering take-aways. There are supposed to be separate entrance and exit doors - here there is only one door, but with white arrows showing 'in' and 'out' - a good try!

And for the hitchhikers - an old photo from London:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 13 April 2020

Monday Post

Hi Everybody!

We had beautiful Easter weather today, warm and sunny, but we have a few days of cold weather on the way. I saw several people on my walks today, all kept a respectful distance and greeted me with a friendly 'Good Morning' or Happy Easter. The isolation seems to be improving people's manners! Apart from that I had a relaxing and pleasant day and was able to Skype with some friends, too. 

Today I have another hybrid piece for my 'geometric shapes' challenge at AJJ.
I used a multi-coloured , hand painted background and a gelli print made with a spiral stencil. I cut the circles in my digital programme and multiplied them , making one large and the others small. I arranged them on the background and added the quote from Pythagoras:

A few photos from my walk today. The blossom is so beautiful just now, and everything smells so good, what a pleasure!

The neighbour's kids drew an Easter greeting on the pavement:

The cat belongs to the farm at the end of the road. If the roosters leave the yard and go onto the path outside, the cat chases them back inside:

Visits from family Finch:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!