Wednesday 27 November 2019

Rain's Thursday art Date

Hi Everybody!

First and foremost I would like to wish all of my friends, fellow bloggers and family in the USA a very happy Thanksgiving!

Rain's theme this week is greys and browns, so I have tried to find things in these colour schemes. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.  First up is a journal page, showing  various generations of my family taken at different times. I'm on there, too!

And a vintage journal page with script as theme:

A steampunk tag:

And a journal page using a photo from somewhere-in-London:

Some doodles and sketches from my sketch-books:

And some old sketches made back in the 1990s:

Lastly I have some old family photos as they fit the greys/browns theme, too.


Her brother Ralf:

Her cousin Emily:

My great-grandmother Rachel:

Great Auntie Fanny:

My grandparents:

Great grandmother Rachel with Sadie and Fanny:

My mother:

Here she is second from the left, and the only one smiling at great Uncle Benny's wedding, together with her sisters, Betty and Pauline and the rather unhappy looking bride:

And here she was  about 3 years old:

 Having photos taken must have been tiresome, as most people look very unhappy!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Today has gone by much too quickly again, and it's already getting dark. We got out for some nice walks again, and somehow ended up in a cafe where they had delicious cake, but that's a story for another time!

As autumn is drawing to a close I wanted to show the journal page in autumnal colours, a mixed media page using painting, collage, stamping and tissue transfers. The text has been added digitally:

Today I am linking to Cathy's Wild Wednesday

And I have some pics from our visit to the Christmas market in our little town last Friday evening:

You can buy food to eat, lots of different hot and spicy drinks as well as beer and lemonade, gingerbread and  candies:

Nathalie looking at the gingerbread love hearts:

Here is the booth selling 'Reibekuchen', fried potato cakes. We shared a plate garnished with smoked salmon and sour cream, yes!

Delicious crepes:

Traditional winter candy with herbs:

The sausages are always in demand:

We walked through the main street:

Then along the Rhine, a bit spooky!
The photos are a biz fuzzy, they were taken with my phone.

The castle ruins:

And here we are enjoying our drinks, Nathalie had mulled wine and I had cocoa with Bailey's, really not bad at all!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!