Wednesday 20 November 2019


Hi Everybody!

Wednesday started off here frosty and misty, but it was great to see the sun coming up through the mist, and it stayed with us all day.  So good after the cold and rainy weather of the past days!

Today is time for Rain's Thursday Art Date, and her theme is 'chilling'. This could be interpreted in various ways, but I decided to go with cold and chilling weather.

The first piece is a digital journal page using Victorian scrap images:

This is a combination of a photo (The view from my window), a water-coloured background and a vintage clock-face. The snow-flake edging on both pieces is from Serif:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's Wandering Camera

And some photos of frost, ice and mist taken around here - you might need a hot drink to look at them:

Frozen spiders' webs:

The neighbour's roses:

A frosty walk with my shadow:

Ice at the Rhine:

Ice at the castle ruins:

Keep warm, have  a great day,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Midweek This and That and an Egyptian Cat

Hi Everybody!

We have had 2 days of non stop rain, and even though it is good for the earth, it's not doing me good!  This afternoon it stopped at last, and even the sun showed itself before settling down for the night again. But I still went for my walks, took drippy photos and came back home cold and wet. Thank goodness for wellies, umbrellas, and the good clothes we have to wear!

I have another tag to share for Wendy's cats challenge at Tag Tuesday This is a hybrid tag made of some hand-painted pieces and a moon photo digitally put together onto a black background. The goddess Bastet was responsible for the moon, and watched over it at night to stop it being eaten away by mice. She is also associated with women, fertility and dance. I have shown her here in both her forms:

I am linking to Wild Wednesday

And I have some more photos of some of the paintings, installations and exhibits from Friday's visit to Art Düsseldorf:

This was all about making more room in art for women:

This huge piece made from ceramic tiles was most impressive:

Geduld = patience:

The stone floor is still the original one from steel-work times, it has just been glazed, but apart from that not repaired or improved:

 I saw these people a lot on Friday:

And last, but not least, and rather late,  a handmade butterfly for Mia

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!