Wednesday 13 November 2019

Rain's Thursday Art Date and more

Hi Everybody!

It's cold and frosty still, but at least we didn't get any rain or snow - yet!
I'm happy if it stays dry. Today I was out and about all day, doing this and that, and somehow got nothing done. Perhaps I will be better organised tomorrow!

First of all I have another tag for Michele's seeds and plants theme at
Tag Tuesday.
There's a critter on it, too!

Today is also time for Rain's Thursday Art Date, and the theme is forests and critters.
I have put together a selection of pieces with these themes.

The first is a hybrid piece composed with photos and digital elements from Serif:

The second is a fantasy piece put together using one of my sketches and various digital elements from Serif:

The photos here were taken in the woods in Hösel some time back:

And I was crazy enough to balance over this narrow plank - I wouldn't do it anymore as my vertigo has got bad:

And then we visited a fairy tale castle hidden in some woods nearby:

I wonder if this is the tower where Rapunzel was locked up?

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

We seem to have an early winter here just now. Cold winds are doing their best to send the remaining leaves flying, and rain is making the cobbles slippery under foot. The booths for the Christmas markets are being set up, and will start selling their sausages, potato cakes, beer, hot mulled wine and Christmas ornaments next week - time is flying!

I have another tag for Michele's seeds and plants theme at Tag Tuesday.
The seed packet is from Gecko Galz and the other images from Serif:

 On Sunday I took a walk through the old cemetery in Düsseldorf. It's a peaceful place where one can forget the hectic of the busy road just a few metres away. It's not used any more, but the people buried there were all connected to the history of Düsseldorf, and gave their names to many streets and squares we know today:

The next few pics were taken some weeks back when everything was still green:

 And now back to the autumn pics:

We had a clear view of the moon again:

I am linking to Wild Wednesday at Curious as a Cathy

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!