Friday 4 October 2019

Weekend post and new challenge at MMM Blog

Hi Everybody!

Have a great weekend!

On the fifth of each month we start a new challenge at the More Mixed Media challenge blog. Our challenges are always anything mixed media goes, with an optional colour addition, which is orange - very suitable for autumn and Halloween! You have 4 weeks to enter, and can enter as often as you like. There are digi-papers as prizes.
 I made another art-tote, 18" x 20". I 'liberated' a paper bag (from Prada, no less!) which was waiting to be collected for paper-recycling, so I saved it from a fate worse than death!  I drew a large circle on it, which I divided up into 4 quarters representing the 4 seasons - spring in fresh green, summer in blue, autumn in orange (it looks more red here than it is in real life) and white with glitter for winter. I added TH branch trees in various colours, some golden stars and stenciled the Dina Wakley birds, flying through the year. The sentiment was hand written:

I decorated the reverse with circles of various sizes and colours painted with diluted acrylics and stenciled with stars and dots:

And here I am, trying to hold my various totes - not easy. But I will not be going out with them, they are just for storing journal pages etc.

Some more autumn impressions:

A beautiful start to the day:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 3 October 2019


Hi Everybody!

Today is a bank holiday here, the day of German Unity, celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of East and West Germany in 1989. This was a momentous day in history, and I still remember the moving scenes shown on the news as the Wall fell and people were able to be free again. Freedom is a great gift, and we need to use it wisely.

Today I am re-sharing a piece made to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall. Many artists used the wall to show their feelings and ideas, among them Thierry Noir. You can read more here

The text in my A3, mixed media painting: "Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Thierry and some colleagues started painting it in 1984. Since 1991 this section of the Wall has become a national monument, The 'Eastside Gallery' "

I used figures like Thierry's and painted them in bright colours on a gray wall, using diluted acryl paints and  Gelatos. The barbed wire is a stencil.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

Google is showing this picture today, with lots more infos here:

Some photos taken on my walks:

The sign is at a field where you cut and buy flowers on trust, putting your money in the box after cutting. 'Only paid for flowers bring joy'. The pigeons resting on this wet and windy day look like they are making sure that people pay! On the day I visited the flowers were no longer blooming and the field waiting to be replanted:

Birds circling over the fields:

This crow always fishes at the Rhine along with the ducks and gulls:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 2 October 2019

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Hope you day was good. Here it was mild and rainy, and I enjoyed walking along the Rhine in the soft rain, and watching the antics of the sheep grazing there.

Today it's Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, where we re-show art which has been posted some time in the past. I have some pieces from 2016, made at about this time of year and with an autumnal theme. They were all hybrid pieces, made with hand-painted backgrounds and photos with some additional digital elements.

The lady represents the spirit of autumn smiling down at nature:

The idea here was similar:

Here I used one of 'my' heads with bird photos:

I went walking along the Rhine and saw these adorable sheep and lambs playing:

The video is just 15 seconds:

These pics were taken on Monday in Hofgarten:

If you haven't already done so, please take a peek at my previous post about Sandra's new book

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Tumble Star - a new book from Sandra Cox

Hi Everybody!

Our lovely friend Sandra has done it again!
Yes, she's written another fantastic book!
You can read more details on her blog!

It's title:

I think it might be something to do with cowboys....

I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Sandra good luck for the release of her book. I have read lots of her books, and they were all great!

Hop over to her blog for more details!

Have  a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!