Monday 5 August 2019

T stands for loTs and loTs of This and Thats....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good. I was out and about a lot as always,  and did lots of walking. Nothing new, but I still enjoyed it.

Today we are beginning a new challenge at More Mixed media. Our challenges are always anything mixed media goes, and the optional extra for August is 'brights', and we would love to see what you create. You have 4 weeks to link to us. I used a painted and stenciled background onto which I printed the vintage bird image, which I coloured with paint-sticks and Gelatos. I gave the birds some distress Stickles and sewed the piece to a bright yellow card background as I had just used printer paper:

I am linking to Simon Monday challenge, bright and cheerful:

And I have another tag for Joan's theme - summer fun - at Tag Tuesday. I used my seagull photos and some images from Serif on a hand-painted background:

And it is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday today, so a warm welcome to all  the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I am sharing some of my eats and drinks from this week:

Cappuccino at the Cafe de Paris in Oberkassel - a delightful place, I will be visiting again this week:


 Delicious salads with fruit and cheese and sometimes cashews as well for lunch each day:

A delicious brioche with cheese and lettuce and cappuccino. I was so hungry I took a bite before I took the photo:

 I found a 42 on one of the garages behind the house:

The neighbour's Sonnenhut always make me envious:

Close by Lambertus Church, which I showed last week, you can see the Düssel - the little stream which gave Düsseldorf its name - village on the Düssel:

I love this quiet part of the real Altstadt:

There is a group of bronze sculptures showing the history of Düsseldorf up to becoming a town in 1288, all made by Bert Gerresheim.

This house close by shows the date:

 One of the customs in the Altstadt was that kids would turn cartwheels and be rewarded with a penny.  There are still cartwheel competitions held year for year. This fountain shows it:

And the man-hole covers in the Altstadt have the same symbol:

The cartwheel 'racing track' by the Rhine:

Okay, that was enough for today!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 2 August 2019

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, so time to re-show a blast from the past.
These 2 'inspired by' pieces were both made in 2014. The first is a knock off from Matisse, with fussy cut ladies on a splotched background:

 The 2nd is a celebration of op-art:

I am also linking to Soma's wandering camera and paint party Friday

These are the photos taken inside the Lambertus basilica in the Altstadt of Düsseldorf, you can see the outside here

It is a very beautiful Gothic building, a wonderful place to sit , think, and calm down:

The golden shrine from the middle ages:

I lit candles for all of my friends, near and far:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!