Saturday 6 July 2019

Sun, glass and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend will be good. I'm planning on a restful weekend, as I need to get some things done at home, so won't be able to run about outside quite as much as usual, but sometimes it's necessary.
I have a new tag for Michele's 'Here comes the sun' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used one of my Matisse cut outs on a bright and sunny  painted background, with a daisy placed like the sun:

Last week I walked along the shore of the Altstadt in Düsseldorf, which has sadly been turned into a party mile. I always go early, but there was still a lot going on:

These concrete blocks, brightly painted by schoolchildren, are placed strategically all through the Altstadt to prevent large trucks from speeding in, as there have been several incidents here of terrorists stealing trucks - after murdering the drivers - and driving at high speed into places where masses of people gather. There is still access for deliveries etc, but they now have to drive slowly and in slalom to get through:

I prefer the quiet streets of the real Altstadt:

And I am sharing a few photos of some of the exhibits in the Kunstpalast art museum in the glass department, which is my fave place to be:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 4 July 2019

More this and that

Hi Everybody!

Happy Independence day to all friends and family living in the USA! 

This week it has got cooler here in my part of the world, for which I am very thankful.

Tomorrow we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media. Our challenges are all anything mixed-media goes, this time with optionel pastel colours.  I made an A3 mixed media piece, which I more or less copied from one of my own older pieces, as I just had nothing in my head while it was so hot. The background was gessoed, painted and textured with a background stamps. I used  stencils and some structure paste coloured with acrylics for the patterned bits. The swan was added with a napkin scrap. I added a textile bow made from leftover scraps and some flowers before sewing it all to some blue card-stock:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

My July 4th outfit:

I spend some time most days at Hofgarten, and love to sit in the shade and watch the water-fowl:

Today I am showing some of the art outside at the Kunstpalast art museum, in my next post I will show some of the photos from the inside exhibits. I loved this huge, glass screen made from very rough glass:

My fave rhino:

A good place to sit if it's not too hot:

All the statues have had scarves added:

  I love the deck-chairs, which are all printed with information about various art-epochs:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!