Monday 17 June 2019

T sTands for Tuesday This,That and The oTher

Hi Everybody!

Hope you had a good weekend. We had mixed weather again, hot and humid but also some clouds and grumbles of thunder. Today seems to be similar. I was out most of the time walking, and had fun.

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday and this time our talented Sandie is hosting, and her theme is wings, so hope to see people joining in. I chose to show the lovely Frida Kahlo again and her quote, 'Feet, why do I need you, when I have wings to fly?'

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T Gang. I drank several cups of my fave beverage while out and about:

On Saturday and Sunday I was out and about with my friend Nelya, having a girl-power weekend, and we enjoyed ice at 2 different places, but the first one somehow got eaten before the camera got to work. And I did do the requisite 19000 steps each time and a few more. Nelya chose bitter choc and lemon-basil for hers, I stuck to bitter choc:

Here we are having fun down by the lake in the woods:

And some miscellaneous photos from walks this past week. A lot were taken in the evening, a good time to walk, especially when the days are so hot:

Sign seen in a shop window - if you don't like bad language, look away quickly....

It was fun seeing the moon and the setting sun at the same time:

On this walk it was raining on one side of the road and dry on mine:

These 2 were taken by Harry:

Back to the Rhine:

That's all for today!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 12 June 2019

42 and beyond

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has been good so far. We are still having erratic weather here - one moment blue skies and sunshine, then storms, then cold and wet - well, at least it's not boring!

I have another tag for my 'beverages' challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time it's not coffee! I used a hand-painted background and a free image from the internet. The text was made with Serif:

And for all those hitchhiking through the galaxy, I found some more 42s - perhaps you will find the solution at one of them. Some were collected by Harry in his home town, he has been infected with the look-for-42s-bug:

This one is interesting - the sign at the bottom says 'Chance for a future':

Last weekend I was in Duisburg and took photos and a video of the lifesaver Fountain from Niki de Saint Phalle :

And one of my pieces inspired by Niki de Saint Phalle:

 I am linking to Paint Party Friday

Some more pics from Duisburg:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!