Thursday 4 April 2019

New Challenge at More Mixed Media

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well!
We're having mixed weather here this week, but I still manage to get out for long walks, thank goodness for raincoats and wellies!

On the 5th of each month we start a new challenge at More Mixed Media challenge blog. Our themes are always anything mixed-media goes, this time with optional yellow. You have 4 weeks to link to us, and there are prizes and badges offered to the winners.

I made an A3 mixed media piece. The background was painted and textured with pink and yellow acrylic paint and then collaged with various scraps of tissue and fabric, some of which were decoratively sewn on and stitched. The dancing ladies and the 'dance of life' were added with a stencil girl stencil that I recently won at Simon Says. The pink text was decorated with some black dots.The coloured dots were added with a no-name stencil. The tissue pieces are from Jane Davenport. I added the found feathers and some rows of stitching round the edges. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday and to TIOT, use a stencil or two.

Recently I took a walk down to the end of the road where I live, looking at the houses, points of interest and gardens:

There are still a lot of these wayside crosses here:

I prefer these old houses to some of the modern ones:

This house has a little shrine next to it, it is being restored just now:

The road leads to a track through the fields, with a little farm on the right:

A headless chicken:

This is the same stream that flows by the house I live in:

Another pretty, old house:

And the entry to the garden centre:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 1 April 2019

T stands for a Tag and lots more

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a great new week and a wonderful April. The month has started off sunny here, let's hope it keeps up! I have been walking a lot this past week, even more than usual, managing about 15 kilometers each day, and on one day 22 kilometers, so that was good. I will show some of my pics later in the post.

For my challenge at Tag Tuesday, in which sadly so few people have joined in up till now, I have another tag. I hope more people will take the hint and join in! The background here has been painted, dripped, stenciled and collaged. The 'tree' was added with some dried vines collected on my walks. I sewed it to the coordinating matting. I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, play with paint:

Tuesday is  Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all the lovely ladies of the T Gang. Tomorrow is also her 2nd on the 2nd so I will be posting that piece here, too.

A buddy brought me this little espresso coaster and cup this week:

I got these 2 Miro mugs at the thrift store for one Euro each, still in their original boxes, so a great bargain:

Don't be shocked, the tea and mineral water were my buddy Harry's choices at the ice parlour where we took a break from walking:

Fresh peppermint tea

I had my cappuccino as always, extra strong, as I like it!

This is my piece for 2nd on the 2nd, posted originally back in 2012:

And now some pics from my walks. On Friday we took the ferry over to the other side. It's only a few hundred meters, but always like a little holiday, and when you cross over you are even in a different town:

Telling car drivers to put their brakes on:

Wonderful views of our little town:

I don't have many photos of myself, as I usually hide behind my camera:

Harry admiring the view:

wonderful, fresh spring-green:

And what can you see in this tree?

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!