Tuesday 5 February 2019

Red at More Mixed Media

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media. As always, our challenges are anything mixed-media goes, and this time with optional red. You have four weeks to enter the challenge, and there are  prizes of digital papers for three winners. I made two different pieces - a tag, which is also meant for Michele's 'hearts' challenge at Tag Tuesday, and a book box with matching book. I got given some of these boxes a couple of years back and this is the second one I have finished up to now. 

The tag was collaged from various scraps on a spare piece of embossed card. The flower fairy tag was in my stash. I added a tiny scrap of lace and a vintage German scrap rose. I then sewed it onto matting in red and black and added a few hearts:

I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, add some red

The book box was textured with structure paste and then given a coat of paint in blue. I was hoping that more blue would show through the paper napkin, which I affixed with art-potch. I gave the whole box 2 coats of clear varnish to make it more durable:

I made a small notebook from canvas covered with the same paper-napkin and tied it with red and yellow ribbons. I sewed round the edges, and used some red distress ink to colour the edges:

The inside was also covered with the same napkins:

The photos were taken on this day one year ago - I think we are all longing for spring:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 4 February 2019

T sTands for LoTs of This, ThaT and some caTs:

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Mine was quiet and restful. I stayed home, played in my journal, did lots of reading and binged on murder-and-mayhem . And I am feeling a bit better, my coughs and sneezes are subsiding! Yesterday my friend N came. I cooked us dinner, and we spent the afternoon eating cookies, drinking coffee and just chatting, which was fun.

 I am still using up all the UFOs from my desk - which filled 2 large shoe-boxes, and this time I used family and time themed pieces to make a vintage journal spread. The background was painted with gesso mixed with some of the antique brown ink I made nearly 2 years back, and then given some splashes and splodges with a quill pen. On the right side there is Erika as a child and later in Uruguay with her husband. She was forced to flee Germany with her family to escape the Nazis. There are lots of pieces of clocks in the background, too and cogs which keep time and the world turning. I am linking to TIOT, time flies:

The tag was recycled and glittered before I glued on the photos, and then sewed it to a piece of brown hessian (burlap) before fixing it to the journal page:

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a hearty welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang. I have some cups just like this, and I do use them occasionally:

I got a parcel in the post this week with this handbag sent by a friend. It is lovely, but I'm not sure I will be using it to go out, I just thought the cat-lovers would enjoy seeing it!

On Saturday we had rain:

One of the flower heads on my blue hyacinths was too heavy, so I cut it off and put it into a matching vase. It's a heart-shaped double head:

Sunday was a sunny day:

And these photos were taken on this date last year, when it was much warmer and already feeling a bit like spring:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 1 February 2019

Weekend post and 2nd on the 2nd.

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for all who took the time to send well wishes, much appreciated! I am spending my time well wrapped up in my armchair and watching lots of TV and reading my fave books.

For Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I am re-sharing some family pieces made in past years.

My great-grandmother Rachel:

Erika, my mum, my great-grandparents:

My great-grandmother, my mum (right) and me:

My mum:

My mum and my sister:

My great-Aunt Fanny:

And I have a mixed media journal spread,  once again re-using chopped up pieces of old work, and leaving lots of white space - perhaps for future moments. I am linking to the  'time flies' theme at TIOT and to 'anything goes' at Paper Babe stamps:

The hyacinths are still growing well:

It is a bit milder today, most of the snow has melted (till the next lot comes down anyway!) and the sun showed itself early this morning before hiding again behind the clouds. But it is giving us a bit of a shine now and then:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!