Monday 18 June 2018

T stands for Gemini

Hi Everybody!
Hope your week go off to a good start!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, hosted this time by our lovely Wilma. Thanks to all who entered Joan's 'Movie' challenge last time.
Wilma's challenge is 'Gemini'
My first time for this one is a hybrid tag made with elements from me and Serif, showing the Gemini sign in gold:

The tag also serves as a reminder for the challenge at TIOT, one for the boys, which will be running for another week.

And I have a second tag, using one of my hand-carved African ladies:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the wonderful ladies of the T Gang. Last week I had a visit from Sabine of Artbee Art and we visited North Park and the Japanese Garden. We stopped for a break and my drink this time was a Coke Zero:

We enjoyed walking through the park:

And I even found a rusty sculpture for Elizabeth:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 16 June 2018

Tall, dark and Undead....

Hi Everybody!

Today I am writing about a book written by my good buddy Sandra:

It's easy and fun to read, with a surprising ending. And even if you're not a fan of vampires - well, have you ever heard of vampires who are sort of vegetarian?!

Book Blurb
Gutsy, kick-ass Suzanne James has no intention of complicating her life by falling in love…especially with a vampire. But it’s hard to stay objective when a drop-dead gorgeous male rescues her from three assailants in a dark alley. All but unconscious, she could swear her hero has glowing red eyes and two sharp, pointed teeth.
Adrian Caine has spent the past hundred years, in vampire parlance, a vegetarian. When he rescues a beautiful blonde in a dark alley, it takes all of his formidable control not to backslide. Attraction turns to desire. Even though it’s not in Suzanne’s best interest, he can’t stay away.

Book Excerpt
Three men jumped me and kicked their asses.”
Kess gave me a pained look. That’s why you’re black and blue and in a 
hospital bed instead of upstairs doing your job?
Details, details.” made a dismissive motion with my hand.
Yowere out walking late at night again by yourself, werent you? How 
many times have told you to take a taxi when you work late? You take a few kickboxing classes and think you can take on the world.” He tapped a toe encased in spit-shine, black leather. His face registered extremdisapproval.
It’s rude to say told you so’, Kess.” sat straighter and tried for injured dignity.
“A lot of good it does. You dont listen.”
In this case you were right.” I ran thfingers of my good hand through my tangled hairI must look a mess.
I’m always right.”
And modest too.”
He grinned. Are you going to tell me what happened? He took another 
gulp of his rapidly cooling coffee.
That’s what I’ve been trying to do but you keep interrupting me.”
Donwhine.  It’s unbecoming Justell me what happened.  I heard a GooSamaritan brought you in then disappeared.
Iwas pretty odd, Kess.”
I’m not sure ‘odd’ is the worI’d use for getting beaten up and a shoulder dislocated.” His voice dry, his glance shifted tmy shoulder. He frowned.
sighed. Kess just wasnt going to let this go.
“Not that part. MyerrGood Samaritan.” I fidgeted othe bed and plucked at thsheet.Somehow 
thterm Good Samaritan” just didnt fitGoosebumps roughened mskin 
and my heargalloped as remembered fangs and glowing red eyes. Kess?
Do you believe in vampires?
If you donwant to talk about it you could have just said so.” He lifted his chin and started trise.
I looked at the door. No one was in the hall. I hunched forward and whispered, still clutching the sheet. Kess, he had fangs and his eyes glowed.”
He frowned and straightened. They told me you didnt have a concussioor any kind odamage tyour head. Apparently, they were wrong. I’ll have Dr. Brown run an MRI. should havmade them do it last night.”
Theres nothing wrong with my head,” yelled.
Suz, you think you were rescued by vampire.”

I can warmly recommend reading this fun book!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 14 June 2018

New stamp

Hi Everybody!

This week has gone by much too quickly again. I am happy to say that we have had a few days of cooler weather after the extreme heat and storms, and I'm enjoying being able to breathe again.
Today I am sharing my new hand carvedstamp, an owl, about 5 1/2" high, which I stamped onto various designer papers. I am linking to Paint Party Friday:

Here the owl has been stamped with various colours of distress oxides:

The journal page was a play-time with stencils and sprays:

And some photos taken on my walks in the last 2 weeks:

This was in the corner of a rather bare parking lot:

The tiny chapel in Lantz'sche Park:

I discovered the used beer glasses down by the Rhine - clearing up the mess doesn't seem to be very popular:

The hay bale was blown into the river by the storms:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 11 June 2018

T stands for One for the boys

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are staring a new challenge at TIOT -
One for the boys.
I made a tag using an old stamp, I think it was from Lost Coast, but I'm not sure, showing three wise gentleman, stamped with Archival black. I layered it with mirri card and a remnant of DP, and sewed it all together. The moustache was fussy cut. Projects of all formats with a masculine theme are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link to us.

You also still have a week to join in our 'Night at the movies' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used one of my hand-carved stamps on a digital background. I was thinking of the film 'Out of Africa', but wrote the title in German - I'm blaming the extreme heat we've been having!

It's also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang. My photo was taken at the ice parlour on a market day:

We have had lots of beautiful sunrises, I usually wake up about an hour before sunrise, so like to drink my coffee on the balcony and watch the colours changing:

Some photos from my walks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!