Saturday 7 April 2018

A blue sky day

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday was cool, but we had blue skies and sunshine, and I enjoyed my walk down to the Rhine. We have been promised good weather over the weekend, so I'm hopeful!

I have another hybrid page for my family scrapbook. The picture shows the wedding of my great uncle Benny and his wife Mari back in the 1920s. My mum and her 2 sisters were bridesmaids. My mum - 2nd from the left -was thrilled at having such a wonderful dress, and tried to sneak out to school wearing it, but was stopped....She is the only one smiling on the photo! I used elements from Serif and me and a freebie from Foxey Squirrel.

Yesterday was a real blue sky day:

I love how the new leaves are sparkling in the rising sun:

The neighbour's magnolia tree:

Men at work:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by:

Thursday 5 April 2018

Paint Party Friday

Hi Everybody!

This week has raced by again, and already it's time to write a post for Paint Party Friday. I have not been feeling so good these past days, but it can only get better - I hope!

I have another page for my family scrapbook, this time using photos of my husband as a little boy. He used to like helping out on a nearby farm! I used elements from me and Serif.

In the past weeks i have been doing a lot of stamp carving at my group, this gives me something to do but leaves me free to talk with the others, too. The little houses are reminiscent of the ones here where I live. There are 2 more but I can't remember where I put them. I have a huge number of stamps, so they are not really necessary, but sometimes I like to use these 'primitive' ones which remind me of old wood-cuts:

The birds are inspired by the ones which visit my balcony each day:

And cappuccino and muffins belong, of course, to life's necessities:

Flowers and leaves will be useful for journal pages:

They look good in colour too:

For Tag Tuesday I have another 'bling' tag collaged from scraps when I cleared off my work table. Everything on it has been recycled, and that's also our theme at TIOT this time round:

Today is a another cold day, but we have had several warm and sunny ones this week, and from tomorrow it is supposed (hope, hope!) to get really good. The trees are blossoming, some are starting to get green, and flowers are sprouting:

I took this one through the bedroom window:

The farmers are getting busy again:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Mellow Yellow

Hi Everybody!

On the fifth of each month we start a new challenge at
More Mixed Media. As always, our challenges are anything goes with an optional colour scheme, which is yellow for this month. The BG of my A3 piece was gessoed and then brayered with yellow using a stencil to give some texture.
I filled my head with some figures from Crowabout Studios (Mischief Circus), as I just love these positive affirmations. I doodled more dots and stenciled a couple of birds. You have 4 weeks to link your creations to us, so hope to see you there!

Some more photos from the beautiful forest at Grafenberg:

I loved this long-jump sandpit - I think I might have got as far as a mouse if I had tried!

A carved seat:

I wonder what lives in that little shelter?

The red deer were curious to see what their visitors had brought with them:

Carrots seem to speak a universal language:

Love that this split tree was still standing:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!