Monday 19 March 2018

T stands for snow sTorms and freezing Temperatures

Hi Everybody!

After a very cold and dreary weekend with lots of snow, an icy east wind and deep-freeze temperatures, the sun is shining today, although it is still very cold, and will probably remain this way for some days. At least it's good to see the sun!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday, and our theme is  'The call of spring' , inspired by the mood-board, which I made using my photos. I am also linking to Simon Wednesday challenge, Easter inspired:

 I made an A3 mixed media piece. The BG was a mop-up page. The flowers and eggs on the right were cut from the local newspaper and collaged, the dots and birds were stenciled. I was inspired by the colours, flowers and the birds, which so often visit my balcony.

As always, projects of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. Hope to see YOU there!

It is also half time at Tag Tuesday, which means you still have a week to link your spring / Easter themed tags for Joan's challenge to us:

And it is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the Tea Gang. Last week I showed you the photos of  our breakfast taken at the wonderful flea market:

After leaving there we walked around a bit and discovered this beautifully grungy gate.

Then we found this cafe that G knew from previous visits. It is very small, and inside light and airy and uncluttered - a big contrast to the flea-market place, but each cafe had its own special charm.

There was a show case filled with home baked cakes to choose from:

On each table there was a plate of home-made cookies:

Cappuccino was served in fun cups and with a smiling face:

I chose 'Kalte Hundeschnautze' - cold dog's nose! This is a delicious confection of chocolate layered with butter cookies:

G had cherry crumble with lots of cream:

And he gave the face on his cappuccino eye-lashes!

I loved the notices on the wall, all encouraging people to be positive about the good effects of cake:
'Cake doesn't make you fat,  it smooths out your wrinkles'
'Pieces of cake weighing less that 300 Grams are cookies'
'A balanced diet is a piece of cake in each hand'
I hope you will all realise the truth of these wonderful sayings!

I took these photos on/from my balcony to show the progress of spring after the last cold spell had ebbed - in the meantime we're back to the icy blasts of winter, so I'm not sure if much will survive. 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 18 March 2018

Colours in my life

Hi Everybody!

It's still freezing cold here, and I suppose we have all had enough of the cold and snow. I did an afternoon escape yesterday - I wrapped myself in a fluffy, white blanket, curled up in my fave armchair and took a trip to sunny Australia in the 1920s - in other words I binge-watched Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries all afternoon. And to keep up my strength I had tortellinis in cream sauce, sprinkled with lots of fresh Parmesan cheese....yummy!

Recently I have been making more scrapbook pages using old family photos. This one includes photos of Emily, my mum and Erika:

The photos here were also taken on this date one year back:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 17 March 2018

Happy St Patrick's Day

Hi Everybody!

After asking yesterday on my blog if it's winter or spring, we got an answer today - it's snowing again! Spring has deserted us, and everything is white....
Thanks to all who commiserated with my computer problems yesterday. Things seem to be back more or less to normal, although it is still reacting more slowly than usual. I think my computer and I are both showing signs of old age, but as there's no possibility of getting either of us replaced just now, we'll just have to learn to live with it!

I would like to wish all who celebrate it  a happy St Patrick's Day
(images from Gecko Galz):

I have another tag for Joan's challenge at Tag Tuesday, Easter or Spring:

 And as I need some colour other than white I made a hybrid journal page using a photo from Pexels:

 I am fed up with snow photos, so these were taken this day one year ago:

Have a nice day, keep warm,
and thanks a lot for coming by!