Saturday 16 September 2017

Music and Machines

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend has got off to a great start. We've got a bit of 
sunshine today, although it's rather chill, so that's something.
Today I am sharing an A4 a mixed media piece using vintage
music paper sewn onto canvas. I dyed the paper and the canvas
with my home-made vintage brown ink, and kept it to
a sepia /neutrals colour scheme. The lovely quote is from
Picasso. I am linking to Yvonne's 'colour in my world' theme

Here are the last photos taken in Duisburg at the sandcastle.
I will be visiting again on Tuesday to get a last look before
they start to demolish it at the end of next week. Here you can see
the crane which they worked from:

I love the mix of old industrial buildings:

There is a 'beach' next to the sandcastle where kids can get
inspired to make their own:

 A feeling we all know -no comment necessary!

An old turbine house:

The souvenir shop is in the old fuse room:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 15 September 2017

More of the Sandcastle

Hi Everybody!
Another week is flying by really quickly and it's Friday
already, which means it's time for Paint Party Friday.
I am also linking to Yvonne's 'colour in my world' theme
Today I am sharing an A3 mixed media piece made 2 weeks
 back, using another of my doll faces - I made 3 altogether,
so there's still  another one to come. This time I gave her sewed arms 
and legs, made from pieces cut from an old blouse, and clothes
made from scraps. The background was painted, collaged, stamped
 and stenciled. 
The quote is from Baz Luhrmann:

She started out like this:

And the rest was sewed on:

 Here are some detail shots from the giant sandcastle - if you missed
yesterday's post you can read all about it here
The damage you can see at some spots was caused by some
rowdies who broke into the site at night and tried to climb up
the castle. The sand sometimes seems to be different colours, which 
was caused by the sun shining or hiding behind clouds:

By the way, my Tuesday postcards this week were won by Eileen
and Lisa. Eileen, please contact me with your snail-mail addy!

I will show the rest of the photos tomorrow!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Building sandcastles

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another mixed media piece to share, using an
altered photo of Miriam as a baby. She had been lounging on the
couch, watching me sew.....I digitally altered the photo to make
it grainy, and then added some soft colour to her. Then it was 
sewn onto various substrates, using different textiles. To finish it off
 I added a piece of pink netting to make a nice contrast to
the neutral tones. I am linking to Yvonne's lovely challenge of 'colour 
in my world' at Art Journal Journey 
and to Paint Party Friday hosted by Eva and Kristin:

After visiting Neuss on Sunday we fortified ourselves with
plenty of cake and coffee and then sent off for Duisburg,
another neighbouring town. A group of people there recently made
the Guinness Book of records with a 17 metres high sandcastle.
I had watched it's progress on the news here, but wanted to
see it 'live'. It's in the middle of a wonderful 
industrial park, where you can see the giant machines used in the 
manufacture of iron and steel, and that was an even greater
highlight for me. I will definitely be visiting here again when I
have more time and energy:

The track back to nature:

And then we got out first view of the magnificent pyramid-castle:

Here you can see the progress shots:

More photos to follow next post - watch this space!