Sunday 13 August 2017

Sunday post

Hi Everybody!

I don't like saying this too loud, but it's stopped raining -
perhaps this will really be a sun day Sunday?

For Jo's 'poetry in motion' theme at Art Journal Journey
I have a digital piece, made using elements from Serif and me.
The quote used is one of my faves:

At Tag Tuesday our theme is 'use your scraps'
I made a tag using a scrap of painted card, backed with other scraps
cut from old calendars/cards. I used my feather stamp to do
a random pattern and added a scrap of lace and some coloured
feathers. I am also linking to Go tag Thursday, anything goes:

 Today I am showing some of the pictures of people working
down at the Rhine - the water services of the fire brigade,
police, and the dredger boat, which keeps the channels
clear for the shipping:

And of course, the ferry, which works tirelessly day by day,
bringing people from one side to the other:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 11 August 2017

Birds and clouds

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a mixed media piece, 8" x 5 1/2". I used a postcard with
a blended paper background, using scraps of vintage papers
and stamps. The bird is from a sheet of Victorian scrap images. I 
added some stamping and various pieces of textiles for the
'nest'. The card was sewn onto a piece of canvas using various 
machine stitches and then sewed onto a distressed cardboard
background from recycled paper. The text was typed
and glued on.
I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Jo's 'Poetry in
Motion' theme at Art Journal Journey.

For Tag Tuesday I have another scrappy tag. The BG was made with
pieces of washi tape, the window is a die cut, and the sheep
are from a sheet of Victorian scrap again. The tag itself was on my
jeans, and has been saved and given a new life here.  I am also 
linking to Go Tag Thursday, anything goes.

And some more photos of the blue herons and storks that have
been gathering their food on the meadows by the Rhine:

I can hear something....

I know it's there....

Poor mole!

The scent of lavender:

We had wonderful skies again this week:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 10 August 2017

Rose thou art sick

Hi Everybody!

Time has flown by again today, I can't remember
really having done anything, but whatever it was,
I evidently had fun!

Jo's theme of 'Poetry in Motion' I made a mixed media piece
using lots of different techniques, and of course, 
lots of sewing.
 First I made a 'skin' from grey metallic paint and gel medium,
and let it dry for 2 days. Then I stamped it with my scrolls
and embossed it with bright red e.p. I sewed it to some
corrugated cardboard, catching some red gauze between the layers.
Then I stamped the Gibson Girl (LaBlanche) onto a scrap of canvas
pasted with some book paper, and fussy cut it. I mounted it onto
some cheese cloth and sewed it to the background. The roses
were cut from a scrap of cloth Donna sent me from Mexico many
moons ago. I sewed them on, and filled them with fibre-fill to make 
them more dimensional. The little paper scroll contains the text,
a verse from William Blake:

'O Rose thou art sick. 
The invisible worm, 
That flies in the night 
In the howling storm: 

Has found out thy bed 
Of crimson joy: 
And his dark secret love 
Does thy life destroy.'

For Tag Tuesday, 'use your scraps', I made a small tag
using lots of bits and bobs from one of my many
bit boxes. I am also linking to Go Tag Thursday, anything goes:

And some photos from my corner of the world.

Early morning:

Mr Heron, sitting on the drainage pipe across the little stream:

The Stork out for a walk:

Loved the names here:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!