Sunday 23 April 2017

Monkey business and more

Hi Everybody!

Today the sun is shining, and it's a little less cold than it was
 this past week, even the leaves were frosted each
morning. Hope the sun is shining for you!

At Go Tag Thursday the theme this week is to use pink. I made
another many layered tag, using bits recycled from old cards
and calendars. The floral paper is from Gecko Galz, as is the
vintage image of the little girl. The embellies are all
from my stash. As fast as I use it, it seems to grow more
overnight - anybody else know this problem?

For Art Journal Journey, Hazel's theme of magical mystery tour,
I have an A3 mixed media collage, made in my art group
some weeks back. The background was painted with water colours
 and given extra colour with pastel chalks, the collage bits
were  cut from various magazines. I am also linking to
Simon Monday Challenge, make a splash.

I loved visiting our new relations, the chimps, gorillas and
Orangutans at the zoo. One big difference to some humans
was their social behaviour, which was exemplary:

 Food was thrown in through little windows at the top
of the room so they had to scamper about to grab it:

 The apes also get to make art:

I stood and watched this mother with her child for
some time:

Enjoying time together:

I will show more photos next time!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 22 April 2017

Weekend this and that

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I have another mixed media tag for Tag Tuesday, Wilma's
 lovely theme of heritage. I used paper recycled from older 
projects, combined with the black card from old
calendars. The stamps used are all from
Chocolate Baroque, and are, of course, from Paris.
I sewed it all together.

This mixed media journal page was made with a scrap of
 a paper napkin on a gessoed and stamped background,
The text on the right was computer generated.
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Hazel's
magical mystery tour - my tours always lead me
through the beauties of nature

This camel looked so haughty! He didn't even glance
at the visitors, but let the birds pick wool out of
his coat:

I suppose the birds use the wool for nest building:

This was one of several tree stumps just left to crumble
and decay, always a good home for insects:

These 2 beauties were busy eating;

The leopard was hiding behind the stone, the tail
was all I could get:

The tiger in the next enclosure was busy eating fresh

Just chilling:

Another of the beautiful, African statues:


I still have lots of photos, but will save them for another day.

Have a great day, happy birthday to 🎉Elizabeth🎈,
take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 20 April 2017

Heads and wild life

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, and for 
Art Journal Journey, 'magical mystery tour', hosted by Hazel,
I have an A3 mixed media piece. The background was swiped
with colour using a sponge, and 'my' heads were splashed and 
spritzed with colour which I flipped from a brush and
scrubbed through a sieve using an old toothbrush.
 The birds and figures
were added using stencils, and brightened with some
white highlights. I am also linking to Simon Monday
Challenge, splash it on

Today I have some more photos from the zoo in Krefeld:

This goat refused to turn round:

This one was more obliging:

This little penguin was lazing in the (artificial) sun in his
tropical paradise:

Beautiful surroundings:

This is just a tree-trunk, but looks like a strange animal:

The sloth was hanging out:

Lots of fish, big and small:

Another one just chilling:

Huge turtles:

Glad this crocodile didn't look hungry:

More pictures to follow next time!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!