Monday 3 April 2017

Tuesday is T-Time

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at
Tag Tuesday, chosen by the lovely Joan
-Things with wings-
As our last challenge was about birds, we are asking you not
to use birds this time, but anything else with
wings - let your imagination fly free !
Tags of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks
to link to us. AND you can win a prize - all details
on our blog!

I made an 8" mixed media tag, once again stitching the layers
 together. The image is from Gecko Galz, and is one of my faves. I
used a mix of dried twigs and textile flowers as 
embellishments. The butterfly is from LaBlanche.

I am also linking to Go Tag Thursday, vintage.

Tuesday is also time for Tea Stands for Tuesday over
at Elizabeth's blog, so here a hearty welcome to all of the nice
ladies of the T-Gang.

Today there are chocolate muffins on offer, 
please help yourselves:

And my drink is, as always, cappuccino in my fave mug:

The trees are rapidly turning green:

Most days have been warm and sunny:

Today started out cool and misty, but the sun came out later:

I had to move the hyacinths from the kitchen to the
balcony as the smell was beautiful but rather

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 2 April 2017


Hi Everybody!
We're enjoying a sunny Sunday here, so hope you are
having a good weekend, too.

At Go Tag Thursday the theme is vintage. I started by layering
various pieces of card-stock and a strip of lace and
then sewing them together with the machine. The floral 
patterned card was cut with a Martha Stewart punch.
I used a Tim Holtz bronze frame with a photo of my dear
Erika as a little girl. She always loved all things pink, pretty and 
with lace, and would have loved this tag made in her honour.
I added some fabric leaves and flowers together with a little
bundle of art grass tied with some fibres. The sentiment
was one of the lovely pieces that dear Gill sent me.

Before the embellishments were added:

Beautiful spring:

The farmers are busy on the fields:

The pigeons wait in the tree till they can't see me and then swoop
down to cause havoc on my balcony:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 1 April 2017

2nd on the 2nd on the 1st

Hi Everybody!
Here's wishing us all a good, peaceful and productive
month of April. I hope spring soon comes to
those who are still having issues with 
winter weather.

Elizabeth has a link up on the 2nd of each month where
we show things that we have already shown before. As she is
also concerned with the Earth this month, I am showing
a couple of recycled boxes made 2 years back from small, round
cheese boxes, as I always have problems throwing
them away. I used either natural materials for
decorating them, or embellishments which had
been rescued from old projects:

And just for fun, some 'recycled' photos, taken on April 1st last year:

 The lovely tree has also been cut down:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!