Friday 3 March 2017

Weekend this and that again

Hi Everybody!

This has been a busy week for me, with lots of new
therapies, but it was enjoyable. On the way there and back 
I was able to take photos of  spring flowers -
although it has been cold, nature is doing her job!

For Paint Party Friday I have a collage I made this week,
using pieces cut from an old National Geographic, placed on a background
of torn and cut book paper, painted over with gesso and
a bit of metallic rusty paint.

I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, based on a book

For Go Tag Thursday I have a butterfly tag. The background was cut from DP, over which I did a lot of random stamping and scribbling. The small butterflies (LaBlanche) were stamped and Stickled, and the large butterfly, also from LaBlanche, was stamped onto acetate using Stazon, and also Stickled on
the reverse:

 The morning sky:

Spring flowers:

This is moss, growing on a parapet, and about half an inch high!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Second on the Second

Hi Everybody!

For the next couple of months I will be undergoing a course of treatment
at the Diakonie, the local hospital, where I will be
spending a lot of time, so may not always
be able to keep up blogging every day.

Thursday is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, where we can link things
already shown at some time in the past.
I showed this woven piece 2 years back.
I cut a frame in A4 size from the back of an old paper pad, made
holes with my cropadile, and threaded it with linen yarn. I wove
strips of old linen, fibres, ribbon, burlap etc through the threads.
When it was done I mounted it on a piece of chipboard, 
which had been painted and embossed, and added
the beads at the bottom.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

I wrote the quote on the back:

For Yvonne's lovely theme of 'out and about' at Art Journal
Journey, I have a hybrid piece, using a water-colour background 
painted in 1991. It shows The Kloster (convent) at Sießen near Saulgau.
Bertha Hummel, who created all the Hummel figures, was a nun there.
She did some very fine drawings, which I like better than
the porcelain figures, and they can all be seen in the
museum there.

The pictures were taken at the weekend, some with sun, and some 
without,  where the water looks cold and grey: 

Have a great day, take care,
and thank a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 28 February 2017

The blue flower

Hi Everybody!

It's been another cold and dismal day here, but it's not
stopping the spring flowers blooming, so 
that's good.

For Simon Monday challenge, based on a book, I have
a mixed media tag. The first layer was made with scraps of 
old book pages and letters, and a strip of corrugated
card. I gave it a coat of diluted gesso before going on to the next
layer,  for which I used pieces of paper napkins.
The butterfly was also cut from a napkin, 
pasted on card and fussy cut. I added stardust
Stickles to the wings, and antennas
made from gold wire and tiny, blue glass beads.
I added some glass leaves as embellishment.

The blue flowers always remind me of a poem
by  Josef von Eichendorff, a German writer
of the 19th Century, who wrote
'Die blaue Blume' - the blue flower:

Ich suche die blaue Blume,
Ich suche und finde sie nie,
Mir träumt, dass in der Blume
Mein gutes Glück mir blüh.

Ich wandre mit meiner Harfe
Durch Länder, Städt und Au'n,
Ob nirgends in der Runde
Die blaue Blume zu schaun.

Ich wandre schon seit lange,
Hab lang gehofft, vertraut,
Doch ach, noch nirgends hab ich
Die blaue Blum geschaut

 Roughly translated it means:

I search for the blue flower,
I search and cannot find it,
I dreamed that my luck
Will bloom with the flower.

I wander with my harp
Through countries, towns and meadows,
Always hoping to glimpse 
The blue flower.

I've been wandering  a long time,
And have hoped and believed,
But alas, I was not able
To see the flower anywhere.

My sister Cynthia brought me a card with this poem 
when I was a little girl, and it was the
first German I learned.

Today I am sharing some of the presents I received in the past
weeks, and would like to say 'thanks' again to all of
the senders.

The book came from Sandra, who is a talented and proficient 
author, and is really good, it's well worth a read!
(As are her other books, too)

The purse is also from Sandra:

These bottles are tiny, about 1" high, and were part of a huge
parcel of goodies sent by Gill, and all made with so
much loving care. I have shown some of the other pieces, and will
be showing more as I use them. She also sent a CD with digital images,
as she is a designer at Daisy Trail:

The gorgeous card is also from Gill.

These 2 cards were from Sandy, and accompanied a huge
pile of gorgeous paper napkins which I have been
using lately, and some water-colour cards:

Thanks Ladies!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Monday 27 February 2017

Tea or coffee?

Hi Everybody!

It's been another cold and blustery day here. I went out
for my morning walk and was happy to get back home again.

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at TIOT 
☕-Time for Tea-☕

This fits well to Elizabeth's 
so I would like to give a warm welcome to all of the
nice T gang ladies and anyone else who visits today.

At TIOT you have 2 weeks to link to our theme, and projects 
of all formats are welcome- I made a spread in one of my journals. The background was painted, stamped and stenciled. I cut the cup from
corrugated card, painted it white and then added
a cup-themed napkin. I tucked in a tea-bag and a packet of
sugar (from my fave ice parlour). The drinking ladies
were cut from a paper napkin. The script
was added to make sure that everybody knows
which beverage I prefer!

Doughnuts, or 'Berliner' as they are called here, are one
of the staple foods of carnival. I wanted you to see them,
so I bought 2, one filled with jam and the other with eggnog cream,
yummy! I sacrificed myself for you again. Enjoy!

And cappuccino was on the table, too, as always:

The Rhine path was rather deserted this morning:

I saw this lady and her son making their way to the tram, she was dressed
as a cowboy and he was an old lady.....

I always like taking pics of the shop windows, where the
contents merge with the reflections to become
surreal pictures:

The window boxes in front of the old town hall have
been planted with spring flowers:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!