Tuesday 24 January 2017

Feathers and wings

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We had a dusting of snow
in the night, and it's cold and hazy,
so for the rest of the day I
stay home, keep warm, and 
enjoy the aromas of my marinated
 veggies baking in the oven while I am enjoying some 'play time'.

At Simon Monday challenge the theme is
'Spread your wings'
and at
feathers, so I hope this giant tag will suffice
for both. I am also linking to Doing life, ATG create with tlc - anything goes, as Desire kindly invited me to join in. I once again used a 12" tag cut from an Amazon
shipping envelope, started with a hand-full of bits and bobs
from my table, which I sewed to the tag. You can see painted and 
heat-blasted tyvek, ancient linen from the erosion bundle, feathers, 
lace, and scraps of ribbons.The collaging and stamping was
the next step, and then back to
the sewing machine to sew it to a distressed background.
The swan quill is one I found by the Rhine, I gather all
of my feathers from my walks:

It started off with the painted tag substrate and a heap of 
disparate items:

It was hard sewing over the quill, and then it didn't
look right:

So I unpicked it and sewed it down the other way round -
much better!

I cut off part of the yellow ribbon after sewing:

On Sunday the sun showed itself again:

But since yesterday we have wrapped in cold and freezing fog:

As I walked past my poinsettia it started whispering to me, and
said it felt very neglected as I had been only showing
photos of the Amaryllis....Anyway, here it is, beautiful as ever:


The third bloom has started to open, and the second shoot
has grown like Jack's beanstalk and will soon be
flowering, too.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 23 January 2017

Leonardo, tea and coffee

Hi Everybody!

Hope the new week will be a good one for you.
Not much change here - cold, sunny and frosty weather,
which I have only been able to see from my balcony,
and my ribs are still very painful. Patience is not my strong point!

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of
'Tel me a story', I have a hybrid page
honouring Leonardo da Vinci.
I wish I could have heard some of the stories that
he had to tell:

Tuesday is also T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's blog,
so here a big welcome to all the nice ladies
of the T gang. This piece is also meant as a reminder for
TIOT's 'Anything but square' challenge, and you still have a week 
to link up there.
I made an 8" tag, which was first painted and then collaged with
tea and coffee and other paper napkins. The finished tag was 
sewn onto some blue/beige linen, which I fringed out, and then 
onto corrugated cardboard.
Need I tell you which of these drinks is my fave?

I had a rare visit from my friend Sarah last week, and we baked a cake 
together - I gave the instructions and she did the work! We made a 
cappuccino marble cake.
Here it is fresh from the oven:

And here with cappuccino glaze:

Yummy - help yourselves:

The sunrise was wonderful again:

And now the 2nd amaryllis bloom has opened:

Have a great day, take care,
ad thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 21 January 2017

Feathers and scraps

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.  It was a cold and sunny
day here, very tempting to go out, but I stayed home
to cure my poor ribs. But the days are definitely getting longer, 
it was light till after 5 pm - we're moving towards spring. 

I made some rather crazy tags today. The tags were cut (12"x6") from Amazon
shipping envelopes, which are made of great cardboard. I gathered
a hand full of  UFOs (Untidy flying objects) from my table
and used them. I did the sewing first, and the other decorations afterwards.
 Here is the finished tag, sewn onto a larger
background of blue card.  The blue/gold strips are made of tyvek, painted and then 'blasted' with the heat gun.The birds and spot were stenciled with 
Dina Wakley stencils. The little girl is an image from Gecko Galz.
The sentiment is from Proverbs 9:9

This is how it started out:

I am linking to Country View Challenges, anything goes,
and to Go tag Thursday, feathers.

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of
'Tell me a story', I have a hybrid page with a quote from Poe:

The sky this morning:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!