Thursday 8 December 2016

Friday Mix

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, light and darkness, and for Paint Party Friday, I have a mixed media piece. The background was painted with black and blue acrylics and stamped to give more texture. I added some perfect pearls in iridescent colours to brighten it a bit. The Men were drawn with pastel chalks. 

Here I did a digital colour change, and I think I like this version better:

The cold, dry weather gave us some wonderful skies again:

By hanging over the balcony I managed to catch the post office tower,
which is about 12 kilometers away:

Only half of the moon was visible:

And 'my' crow was hungry, as always:

In the K21 museum this week I visited the basement,
a huge, open space:

My faves this time were these glass and fabric puppets:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Looking at the moon

Hi Everybody!

I'm not quite sure what day we have today, because
yesterday (or was it today?) I thought it was Wednesday,
and then Susi wished me a happy Friday....
So if yesterday was Friday, today must be Saturday, 
or perhaps we have just slipped down a big rabbit hole with Alice and
are at some other place and time.
Just in case, I wish you all a happy Christmas
and a good New Year....
If you think I have gone completely nuts, you're wrong. 
I've been this way for a long time, but
mostly I keep it under wraps.

Anyway, whatever day it is, I have a hybrid piece for
Art Journal Journey, light and darkness, and I will also link it
to Paint Party Friday if and whenever we get a Friday this week.
I combined a background from Serif, with one of my own moon photos, and a face drawn some time back. I know some people think there's a man in the moon,
but the Egyptians had a moon goddess, who also took the form 
of a cat - Bastet.  Her job was to watch the moon at night to make
sure the rats and mice didn't steal it. She was also a goddess for women and dance, a lovely combination. The stars are from Mischief circus, Bastet and the pyramid are from my stash.

The day started off again with a beautiful dawn sky:

Yesterday I walked through Königs Allee to get to the K21 museum, which shows art from the 21st century.
The canal through the middle is frozen over:

This is one of the big shopping arcades, but not one of the
places I like to go into:

Some people were busy cleaning the windows:

This chap made a great sand sculpture:

The light arcs across the bridge are new Christmas decorations -
but this part of the canal is surprisingly not frozen:

The architecture in the K21 museum always takes my breath away:

There will soon be a new exhibition in the steel net under the roof - 
courageous people can even walk around there:

I will show more photos of the other art I saw next time.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Light and darkness again

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. It's still cold and
frosty here, but we had sunshine as well,
so that was great.

For Art Journal Journey I have a hybrid page made with images
from Mischief Circus, as well as some freebies
from the net. I think these 2 must be sisters:

Yesterday evening the sky was painted with soft, pastel colours:

And this morning the colours were really bright:

Today I visited another part of the K21 Museum, and will
show the photos when I have sorted them. Today I have a few more
beautiful pieces, both ancient and modern, from the
glass museum:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!