Sunday 13 November 2016

This and that for Monday

Hi Everybody!

It's still very chilly here, but at least it stayed dry today.
One of the museums in town, the 'Kunstpalast' (Art Palace)
not only has a special exhibition at the moment but was 
doing a free Sunday, so guess who was waiting in front 
of the doors when they opened up this morning -
and it was worth it. I will share the photos bit by bit!

For Art Journal Journey, Susi's fun theme of collage with
a twist - no faces, no wings and no  leaves - I
have another hybrid piece, using some elements from Mischief Circus.

And here some random photos taken yesterday and today.

On top of the spire of the: Basilica:

A cruise ship:

The square by the Basilica:

The pigeons always like sitting on top of the hospital roof: 

This eye was watching me:

The horses were busy grazing:

This is the bronze eagle right up on the top of the roof of one 
of the corporate buildings by the Rhine:


And this Rhino is in front of the art museum:

The building in the background used to be a planetarium and is 
now a concert hall:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 12 November 2016

wheels, cogs and cookies

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! Today the sun came out after a
week of grey, rainy days, so that made me happy!

For Art Journal Journey, Susi's fun theme of collage with a twist, I was inspired by recent events to make a hybrid page, 
using a water coloured background. 
(Some of the digital elements are from Mischief Circus)
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, wheels

The sky this morning was beautiful,  I love watching the
colours change, although it was rather chilly outside in my pyjamas!

The gulls are always waiting for treats:

Today I enjoyed watching the ships, this is a 'work' ship
which makes sure that the waterways are
clear of silt and sand:

And I baked some oat and syrup cookies - help yourselves! I think the photographer must have taken one already!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 11 November 2016

Memories in black and white

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already! Time to link again to
for Susi's challenge of collage with a twist.
This is the 2nd A3 mixed media collage inspired by Enrico Baj.
I drew hands like Baj, using a permanent marker on book pages. The background was painted with black gesso, stamped, glittered, and given a bright frame to symbolise hope. The Hebrew words  read Yad Vashem, literally translated 'hand and name'. This is the name of the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem, created to give the dead who had no grave a memorial, as well as to honour those who risked their own lives to save Jews.
The word 'Yad' can be used in the sense of a marker, a monument, but also means 'hand'.

This is another of the installations at the K21 Museum, created by
Christian Boltanski, whose central themes are memory, forgetting and death.
Here he has erected a memorial to the anonymous dead with this 'archive'.
He displays photos of men, women and children - some  of whom are victims and some perpetrators of crimes - without making distinctions. 
The crime scene photos and details are stored in the rusty, 
metal boxes underneath the photos.
The shelf at the end of the room contain linen shrouds. 
This was a very moving installation:

On a lighter note, I saw these wild geese marching from the
lake to the main road when I left the museum:

This one was really sticking his/her neck out and making a heck of a noise.
I had the feeling that the others were being called to order,
as they didn't stray farther after the loud discussion:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Life is not always black and white

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Susi's theme of collage, I have an A3 piece, which is one of three inspired by the work of Enrico Baj, an Italian artist, writer and anarchist. I drew the figures on book pages, cut them out and collaged them onto a background painted with black gesso, into which I stamped to give some texture. I added the yellow border as a sign of hope,  something we always need, however dark the times may be.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin:

I am sharing some more photos taken at the K21 Museum of modern art.
This was a film presentation, which was okay, but  not exciting, but I do love this photo of the three people sitting watching it:

The next presentations are from Chiharu Shiota, who says 
'All I was thinking about was connecting people's feelings with yarn.' 
She creates room filling installations made with wool thread, 
investing them with the memories of unknown people. 
The web of yarn protects the memories and catches them in a 
cocoon. I found it a bit scary to walk through the web, 
as everything seemed to be blurry:

Have a good day, take care,
and don't lose hope.
Thanks a lot for coming by, in hard times
we need each other more than ever!