Friday 4 November 2016

Life is a collage

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, where did the week go?

For Susi's  fun collage challenge at Art Journal Journey -
no faces, no leaves, no wings, I have a mixed media/hybrid collage.
The background was made with painted over book pages. The figures are home cut templates. The mask and frame were added digitally. I like the thought of life being a collage, because that means we can add to it, change it, make it colourful -it's up to us to make it as good as possible.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

The K21 art museum is housed in a beautiful,  old building which used to be the home of the county parliament. It is set in a lake called the 'Schwanen Spiegel' (swans' mirror'):

Inside it has been rebuilt, and I love the way it has been done. It gives such a great feeling of space and light. By the way, there are lifts for those who don't like climbing stairs!

This room had a sound installation, rather scary:

On my way home I passed by this building, with the reflection of the old
'Stahlhof' (Steel Court)

I zoomed in to get the ship on the roof:

I will show more pictures of the art there in the next days.
Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 3 November 2016

This and that again

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying past quicker than I can think!

For Susi's theme of collage at Art Journal Journey I made a mixed media collage while Sabine was visiting me on Tuesday. I used the cardboard from the back of an A3 paper pad as a substrate. I gave it a quick coat of gesso and then glued on everything I could find on the table - images stamped onto tissue paper, pieces of gelli prints, magazine cut outs torn into strips and some pieces of a paper doily. When it was dry I gave it a coat of diluted gesso mixed with some pastel colour to bring it all together. The top layer was made with photos cut from the art museum's prospect. As faces are not allowed at AJJ this month, I pasted some text over each face and drew and doodled some arrows. Then I scanned it into my digital programme, and added the text digitally.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

This was before the digital frame was added:

When I visited the K20 art museum last week I took some photos of the entrance, and of the huge photos they have on display showing all three museums that belong together:

Here they had just steam cleaned the stone floors, which gave the photo a rather misty look:

There are quite a few sculptures there. These are from Max Ernst:

 This one is from Alexander Calder:

I took this pic of Sabine, while we were enjoying some playtime
in my arty kitchen:

And the weather was kind to us, so we also got out for a walk. We had a fun day
together, so I am hoping she will come again soon!

These fun mosaics are on a wall here.
(The text means 'Have you already lived today?)

And nature is, as always, the best artist:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Wheels and More.....

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at
Moo Mania and More


As always, projects of all formats are allowed and
you have two weeks to get your creative juices flowing
and join us.
I made a hybrid collage, also meant for Sweet Susi's
Collage with a twist theme at Art Journal Journey:

Today is also 2nd on the 2nd at lovely
Elizabeth's blog, where we re-share a previous post:

This is a collage I made and posted last year in December. 

And I have some more 'real' art from the K20 which I visited last week:

Pete Mondrian:

Fernand Léger:

Joan Miro:

Today I had a fun day with Sabine, I will show photos
when I have had a chance to sort them.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!