Friday 23 September 2016


Hi Everybody!
It's nearly weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey , Elizabeth's lovely 'back to school' theme and 
Paint Party Friday I have made another hybrid piece
with the theme of penmanship. I always got good marks at school, but mostly the teachers lamented that my handwriting was too hurried/careless/untidy/full of smudges etc! And it hasn't really changed! Fountain pen and bottles of writing ink are almost relics of the past these days, but I still prefer writing with a fountain pen, even if my penmanship is not so good....At junior school I was ink monitor and had the job of filling up the white porcelain inkwells which were built into the desks. I lost my job after splattering a boy with ink - well, he deserved it, he kicked me!

Last week I went on the bus to a neighbouring town called Angermund,
which is on the mouth of the river Anger, and still has some fine old houses
and a castle, which has been privatised and made into private dwellings.

The ancient Church:

The 'village' street:

The cross is near the castle:

The castle was built in the 12th century as a ring castle surrounded by a moat.
You can see more pictures here if you are interested:

This part was added in the 15th century and repaired after war damage in 1635:

I sneaked a look through the gate:

The river feeds the moat:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 22 September 2016

All creatures great and small....

Hi Everybody!

Another week is speeding by and I still haven't worked out
where my time always goes....

For Paint Party Friday I made a mixed media A3 journal page for no particular
theme, just for fun. I brayered and then sprayed the background, and added some background stenciling, trying to keep to shades of brown. My men were painted in and then stamped to pattern their clothes. I added the quote 'I am the dream, you are the dreamer', which I then divided up and repeated here and there.

For Art Journal Journey, Elizabeth's lovely theme of back to school, I made a journal page using some inspiration I got on my Monday walk this week. A class of students were at the Rhine with their art teacher, sketching various things in groups of 2 and 3. They were really taking their work seriously, and it was fun to watch them. I took some pics, which I altered a little with various filters and made them to my journal page:

And this is my tag for Tag Tuesday this week:

The swans and geese were at the pond in the park:

I loved watching the swans turning their long necks to do their morning toilet:

These ducks were next to a stream at a place I visited yesterday:

The geese are probably being fattened up for St Martin's day in November:

And these horses were on the field next door:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Autumn foliage

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Moo Mania and More -
Autumn Foliage.
This is very fitting just now as the leaves are beginning to turn
and are showing their autumn colours.
The background has been brayered, stamped and given a sprinkle of brushos sprayed with water. The herons silhouette was made from my photos taken here at the Rhine, and the leaves and fungi were added digitally.
Projects of all formats can be linked, and you have 2 weeks to show your creations.

I am still sad that my tree was chopped down yesterday. It all went so quickly:

And this was all that was left over afterwards

And here a few of the hundreds of photos of 'my' tree taken at  various times:

Have  a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!