Friday 12 August 2016

Moon, Stars and a long walk home

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, have a good one!

For Art Journal Journey, nature's wonders, and Moo Mania and More, moon, I have another journal page. I made a hybrid page, using one of my moon paintings, made a couple of years back when we had a huge and wonderful blood moon, a mask and a quote.  I am also linking to Paint Party Friday:

This is the original textured and painted canvas:

On Thursday we had a day with lots of clouds, wind, and later rain. I went out rather early, as I needed to change some tickets in Düsseldorf's Altstadt. I went on the tram, and when I was done, I decided to walk around a bit and then walk home.

This is the 'Kunsthalle', an Art Museum:

A pavement relief showing a plan of the old town and the walls,as it was in the 16th/17th century:

'Fundort' means the spot where they found a piece of the old wall:

And here it is:

I suppose this is art, too, but I wouldn't like to live opposite it!

I crossed the road leading to a large park, 'Hofgarten' (court garden). Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy was music director in Düsseldorf in the 19th century:

There were lots of birds, ducks and geese on the ponds:

And I loved these flowers growing in the park:

I walked all the way home, following devious routes, 
and then along the Rhine, and will show the rest of the photos bit by bit!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 11 August 2016

More of Nature's wonders

Hi Everybody!

Nature's wonders is Gill's lovely theme at AJJ this month, where Gill is doing a great job as hostess. For my hybrid piece today I started with a painting made a couple of years back, using acrylics and pastel chalks. I painted the view from my balcony on a night where the moon hung huge and low and low in the sky (4th picture). I used a mask to make a frame, added the stars, clouds and angels from Mischief Circus, and the quote from Buddha.
I am also liking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Moo Mania and More, moon:

The cow was painted from a photo taken last year, and then given a filter and mask to jazz it up a bit. I love watching the cows, they have such beautiful eyes, and they are really natural wonders:

And I have another cat doodle:

We had mixed weather this week - some sunshine, some rain, and cool enough to really enjoy walking:

I enjoyed my walk to a neighbouring village:

I walked through the park after passing the beautiful gates:

This holly tree was full of blackberries - another natural wonder?

I loved the flowers in the hedges:

And this strange fungus was growing out of the side of a dead tree - eek, it has a face in the middle! Can you see it? And there's a profile of a bearded man on the left! Can you find more?

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 9 August 2016

New Challenge at Moo Mania and More - Moon

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at


As always, projects of all formats and styles are welcome,
and you have 2 weeks to link to us.

Hope to see YOU there!

For my hybrid piece I used a background made from painted, heated and bubbled Tyvek, adding some digi elements from Dezinaworld 15 & Mischief Circus. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Nature's wonders - yes, I am still on my moon trip!

My walk yesterday led me to a neighbouring village and then back along the Rhine:

The long eared sheep are back again, including some very newly born 'babies':

'If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter'
George Washington

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!