Thursday 4 August 2016

Flowers, birds and ducks

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Gill's theme of 'Nature's wonders', I have a hybrid piece put together from 2 different paintings - a background and a flower painting which did not turn out very well. I digitally removed the flowers - they were supposed to be hollyhocks - from the background,added a filter which made them look much nicer, and the quote.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

And I have another doodle from my doodle journal, 
showing the 8 crested, long legged worm-catcher, followed by the 
crocodile toothed moose, who acts as his bodyguard

Today I met some living wonders of nature - a Mother Duck with 7 ducklings on the path by the castle ruins. It was almost impossible to get photos of the little ones as they would not stand still:

They were fascinated by my sneakers:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Mid Week Mix

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, nature's wonders, I have a quick journal page
made with an altered photo and some silhouettes.

Watching the sun rise is a new wonder for me each and every day:

And this is the tag I made for Tag Tuesday this week, where our theme
is 'Celebrations' - I decided to celebrate life using one of Niki de Saint Phalle's Nanas:

This is one of her statues that stands in Hanover:

And here the 'daily wonder' from yesterday:

Have  a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 1 August 2016

TIOT, AJJ, 2nd on the 2nd and TSFT - all on one day

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT:
-use your leftovers-
As always, you have 2 weeks to link to us, so dig out those bits and bobs that are waiting to be used, make something with them, and link to us at TIOT. And please tell us which leftovers you have used.
We're looking forward to seeing you there!

I had a leftover strip of painted paper, 9" by 3". I chopped it into three equal pieces, and painted the flowers with water-colours. When they were dry, I drew the outlines with black ink, and added some random stamping. The black matting was cut from an old calendar, 1/4 inch larger than the mini paintings. I cut some small cards from cream coloured cardstock, glued everything together, and now have three pretty little cards, ideal  to accompany a present.

Here all three standing in a row.

Today is also T stands for Tuesday and the second on the second at Elizabeth's blog, so here a big welcome to all of the T gang.
I have combined both challenges here, and am showing a cup of cappuccino from several months back, and my wonderful pineapple upside down cake from last summer. The cup and saucer here is bone china with a gold rim, and was part of my Mum's 'best' service.

I LOVE this sort of cake, and it tasted so good......

Hmm, look at that brown, caramel edge.....

Go on, take  a bit, enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, nature's wonders, I used a photo series of the beautiful blue jays who always visit my balcony. They have such a funny way to hide behind the flowers and then peek through to see if the coast is clear....

I used a painted background, and put the photos into a digital film-strip:

On Sunday I had a long walk to a neighbouring district and back along the Rhine, and enjoyed all the wild flowers growing there:

It started to rain while I was out, but I had my 'Knirps' - a small, folding umbrella, so that was okay. In the afternoon it really poured, but I was 
high and dry  at home, and just watched it from the window:

 In the evening the clouds caught the last rays of the evening sun:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Nature's Wonders

Hi Everybody!

A new month, a new week and a new challenge at AJJ - 

Nature's Wonders

And of course, we have a new hostess, Gill AKA Gibby Froggett-
Welcome Gill, have fun as hostess this month, and I am looking forward to seeing your lovely creations.  And once again thanks to Yvonne, who gave us all a wonderful month in July!
And Gill, Susi and I are all looking forward to seeing YOUR beautiful creations this month, so hope to see you at AJJ!

For me, some of the greatest wonders are night and day, sun, stars and moon,
seas, mountains, flowers, birds and....and....
I am starting with a hybrid piece, made from 2 different paintings -  a textured one for the background, and one for inside 'my' heads- I added some photos - my birds and the night watchman, and some digital parts - sun, moon and stars from Itkupilli.
The text is from Pearl S. Buck.

Here are the originals:

And some photos of the sun and moon taken here at various times:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!