Friday 8 July 2016

Life began in a garden.....

Hi Everybody!

For Yvonne's lovely theme at AJJ, in my garden, I have another hybrid page, using a painted background, various images from Mischief Circus and my own photos:

We have had some blue skies these past days, not always, but quite often:

The ship that goes between our little town and Düsseldorf had a huge
TV screen on the side so that people could watch sport - I would rather watch what's going on along the river, but tastes are different:

These hydrangeas are in a street I walk through on my way home:

This one is on my balcony. First the little 'bud' in the middle is closed:

And then it opens to show these tiny flowers:

And if you look under the main flowers, there are lots more of the tiny ones:

Have a lovely day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 7 July 2016

Da Vinci in Kaiserswerth

Hi Everybody!

Another week is flying by, and I never know where the hours fly to.

For Art Journal Journey, in my garden - Yvonne's lovely summer theme - I have some more journal pages to show. I will also be linking to
Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

In the meantime I have a whole journal full of doodled stuff, and this piece here was made in recent weeks, too. I added some colour to it yesterday using Gelatos and 'no name' gelatos from Aldi, which are also very good at just a fraction of the price. I think this is me, looking at  the birds and flowers on my balcony, which is my garden. And I wish I had a dog, too.

This is a hybrid piece, made using a photo taken from my balcony in the early morning, some flying ducks - from another photo - and some poppies completed this week.

This is the 'poppy' painting, done on a piece of white card saved from some packaging. It started life as series of red blobs where I was trying out some colours weeks ago. I discovered the 'blobs' this week whilst looking for something else, and thought they looked vaguely like poppies.  I worked on them with India ink and gelatos to make the finished piece. It was then digitally 'cut out' and placed on the photo background above.

And here some more photos taken from my balcony this week:

The water in the Rhine has dropped, and we are now almost back to normal. As always,I love to watch the ships, and caught Maria chugging by:

Flowers on the town walls:

This beauty was resting in a patch of sunlight:

And in case you were wondering why this post is called 'Da Vinci in Kaiserswerth' - here he is:

I would love to go for a cruise with Da Vinci!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Memories and roses

Hi Everybody!

July the 6th would have been the 100th birthday of my Mother,
so today I made a little rose garden map with some photos of her, taken when she was 2, 11, and 12. On the group photo she is the second from the left, and was very proud to be bridesmaid at her Uncle Benny's wedding.
She always loved flowers, especially roses, and pink was one of her favourite colours. She died a few days before her 85th birthday.

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, in my garden.

Today I am just showing flower photos as my Mum would have liked them in her garden.

And my quote for today:

'God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December'
James M Barrie

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!