Sunday 19 June 2016

Monday this and that

Hi Everybody!

I don't want to say it too loud, but it didn't rain today, we even saw the sun for a few minutes. But they have promised us lots of rain again tomorrow, so I can still wear my wellies and raincoat!

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I have another hybrid piece, with a map background, a doodled and stenciled centre and some digital add ons.

Our grill and fireplace is still swimming:

This raven by the Basilica was looking very glum:

The poor plants on my balcony took quite a beating from the heavy rain this week, but seem to be recovering:

My hydrangeas are just starting to bloom, and there are pink and white ones on the same plant, although they were blue last year:

And I love the horn violets:

Today they were no kids on the playground, so I nipped in, ran up the steps and slid down the slide - been wanting to do that for a long time:

One of the neighbours here has a very pretty succulent garden:

And now there are several flowers open here:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 18 June 2016

Rain, rain go away....

Hi Everybody!

Greetings from another day in very wet, windy and thundery Germany.
I want summer!

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I have another hybrid piece, and these lucky guys seem to have better weather:

Recently I got given some plastic sleeves for jazzing up old jars. You just pull the sleeve over the glass or tin you want to cover, dip it in boiling water, and it shrinks to fit. I changed some jars into storage elements for my flowers, pins, clips etc and brightened up my storage area.

Here I used an empty veggie tin:

Okay, this is my idea of tidy....

Recently I showed the little wayside chapel, and somebody asked if you can go inside. These days it has to be kept locked, barred and bolted to prevent damage and destruction:

I poked my camera through the bars, but was not able to see much:

Last week Ben Nevis was cruising along the Rhine, this time it's Big Ben:

And Big Ben is really big:

There are buoys and dredger ships on the Rhine since a couple of weeks, digging out the sand and dirt that accumulates to keep the river free for the big ships:

The Rhine is still full to the brim:

I just got the photos of the hollyhocks this morning and then it pelted down, so I had to run for shelter under an arch!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 17 June 2016

A map, a face, flowers and more

Hi Everybody!

We had another wet day here - I'm sure it's keeping the ducks happy!
Anyway, it was good weather for an afternoon nap!
Thanks to those who told me the name of the tree I asked about yesterday, it's a chitalpa summer bells tree.

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I made a hybrid piece with a map background and a face I drew. The lady has a map shining in her eyes, too.

For my travels this week I didn't need a map, as I kept near home on ways that I know. The grass islands at the crossing here have been planted with a wonderful summer flower mix, and made some bright and happy spots between the roads and cars:

This beauty has developed a long stem and was peeking through the hedge of a neighbour. It has a thick and scaly stem, but I have no idea what it is:

The bike path is being refurbished and painted red, perhaps so that motorists can't say they parked there because they didn't notice it was a bike path....

Roses can even make garbage bins beautiful. We have to separate our garbage here, and the yellow ones are for packaging made of plastic and tin:

Time to sit and do nothing:

And the horses I passed on my way to the stores:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!