Monday 4 April 2016

T stands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

It's Tuesday, so time for Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday, so hello to all of the T gang, and everyone else who drops by today.

I am taking part in a challenge with 5 other ladies in Europe and America. We each make our own album, and some pages for it, and then send pages with the appropriate theme to each other. My theme is birds, and these are some of the mixed media pages I made for my album:

This is the album and the dividing pages, which I showed some time back.

At the weekend I received a fat envelope with 15 (fifteen) stamps on it from Norma in California, with the gorgeous pages she made for my album:

Here the pocket is filled with birds made from hand painted paper:

Aren't they lovely?

And a pretty card to accompany the pages:

And a tag-in-a-bag:

The pocket on the tag was filled with bird images which I can use on other pages,
and with some bird book-marks, also made from hand-painted paper:

Thanks a lot Norma!

And as my drink for Tuesday and for every other day of the week is coffee, I made a coffee cup/face doodle:

And last but not least, a reminder that you still have a week to enter the TIOT challenge 'Use a quote'. My hybrid page on a hand painted background shows a quote from Samuel  Johnson and a photo of the Westminster Palace, better known as the Houses of Parliament:

(Photo courtesy of Wikipedia, and copyright 
by David Iliff. License CC-BY-SA.3.0")

The morning sky:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 3 April 2016

Made in England

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, for the record, I made a hybrid page for 
Elton John's song  'Made in England'. As I was born in England, this song has some special memories for me. I used a vintage photo of Tower Bridge. I was born just a couple of hundred yards from there. I added the photo of Elton John, a blue Cortina (mentioned in the song) and a few of the lovely red 'accessories'.

And here the song:

My weekend walks were full of sunshine:

Have a great start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 2 April 2016

Spring feelings and polka dots

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, for the record,
I  made a quick page,  using a spare piece of painted paper and one of my homemade Nana stencils to accompany the song 
'she wore an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini....',
 a song written by Paul Vance with music by Lee Pockriss.  It was sung by Brian Hyland in 1960. In the song, the girl doesn't want to come out of the water because her bikini is so small, but my bathing belle seems to be happy enough to parade in hers.

And for 99 faces, another doodle face - number 99 - I hope!

It was good to be out in the sun again, although the day started off with frost and mist. Spring seems to have caught up with us at last!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 1 April 2016

Alice, a poet and spring

Hi Everybody!

Happy Weekend!
We had a sunny Friday here, wonderful after so many cold and dreary days,
and it was great to get out walking and I even had to take off my coat - perhaps spring is really coming this time!?

For Art Journal Journey, for the record, I have chosen a song from Smokie, taking me back to much younger days,  and it has a naughty word in it...the images I have used for my collage are all from Gecko Galz

And in case you don't know Smokie.....

And for face number 98 in 99 faces  and for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I have another Modigliani knock-off. I painted it last year, and this time I cut out the head, changed the colours a bit and placed it onto a new, rusty background:

Yesterday I had my first session of special knee gymnastics/treatment from a therapist. This is the next stage in my treatment, so for the next couple of months I will be going twice  a week. I learnt some new exercises to stretch the muscles and get them back to normal, and after we were finished I went for a coffee before getting the shopping and taking a walk along the Rhine - I managed over 9000 steps altogether, so I was really proud of myself.

I watched the sun rising and pushing away the mist this morning:

I have made a little spring garden in my living room:

And the trees outside were at last all bursting into bloom - wonderful!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!